
Library for working with the DonorsChoose.org dataset made available for the Hacking Education contest. If you are looking for an API wrapper for the DonorsChoose.org API, check out https://github.com/JumpstartLab/donors_choose

Primary LanguageRuby


NOTE: If you are looking for an API wrapper for DonorsChoose.org, please checkout https://github.com/JumpstartLab/donors_choose

This library sprung from the 2011 Hacking Education contest for DonorsChoose.org. (http://www.donorschoose.org/hacking-education)

The DonorsChoose::Data module match up the normalized data provided by DonorsChoose.org to classes that inherit from ActiveRecord::Base.

This gem assumes you have loaded the DonorsChoose.org datasets into a PostgreSQL database and normalized the data. See the contest documentation for more information.


  gem install donors_choose-data
project = DonorsChooseData::Data::Project.first
school = DonorsChooseData::Data::School.last


If you’d like to use it in Rails, just add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'donors_choose-data'

Stand alone

If you’d like to use it stand alone, do the following:

Create a database.yml, very similar to what you’d have in Rails:

adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
username: postgres
password: password
port: 5432
database: donors_choose_data
schema_search_path: public

Then, drop into irb, require the gem, and establish the db connection

terminal$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
irb(main):001:0> require 'donors_choose-data'
irb(main):001:0> DonorsChooseData::Data.connect(YAML.load(File.read('database.yml')))
irb(main):001:0> DonorsChooseData::Data::Project.first