
Source for the Elite Compendium, a collection of the best Acornsoft Elite hacks on one disc

Primary LanguageAssembly

Elite Compendium

BBC Micro cassette Elite | BBC Micro disc Elite | 6502 Second Processor Elite | BBC Master Elite | Acorn Electron Elite | NES Elite | Elite-A | Teletext Elite | Elite Universe Editor | Elite Compendium | Elite over Econet | Flicker-free Commodore 64 Elite | BBC Micro Aviator | BBC Micro Revs | Archimedes Lander

Screenshot of the Elite Compendium menu screen

This repository contains source code for the Elite Compendium for the BBC Master 128.

The Elite Compendium is a collection of the very best of Acornsoft Elite, updated with as many hacks and enhancements as I've been able to fit in. If you're looking to play 8-bit Elite, then this is a pretty good place to start. For more information, see the bbcelite.com website.

This repository contains submodules for each of the individual programs on the disc. Each submodule points to a branch called elite-compendium that contains the version of that program to be included in the Compendium disc.

The repository also contains the menu code and build process for producing the final DSD disc. It does this by producing two SSD images, one for each side, and then combining them into a DSD image (as BeebAsm can only create SSD images).

See the individual subprojects for more information.

Right on, Commanders!

Mark Moxon