
Gives you the latest news in the world

Primary LanguagePython

News Highlights

By Mark ian Mumba




News Highlits is a web app that dislaces diffrent genre of news to the user such as sports,Technology and science. It also gives diffrent channels such as BBC

Behaviour Driven Development

Behaviour Input Output
Display news sources On page load List of various news sources is displayed per category
Display articles from a news source Click a news source Redirected to a page with a list of articles from the source
Display the preview of an article On page load Each article displays an image, title, description and publication date
Read an entire article Click an article Redirected to the news source's site to read the entire article

Setup And Installation


  • python3.6
  • pip
  • virtual environment

Getting the App

  • One has to clone it to get on the local storage

  • in the terminal:

    $ git clone https://github.com/markmumba/News-Highlight.git
    $ cd News-Highlight

Running the Application

  • Creating the virtual environment

      $ python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual
      $ source virtual/bin/env
      $ curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python            
  • To run the application, in your terminal:

      $ chmod +x start.sh
      $ ./start.sh

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Flask


MIT ©2019 Markian Mumba