
this is a replica of the famous instagram app

Primary LanguagePython

Instagram Clone

This is a web application clone for [Instagram]

![ wawawawawa] (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-4DzAiUZ2PIOMWga3MZYY-8Woe39BJe8)

Created by mark mumba


This is a cloned web application for instagram where users can upload photos,download photos from other users and follow other people.

User Stories

As a user I would like to:

  1. Sign in to the application to start using.

  2. Upload pictures to the application.

  3. See my profile with all my pictures.

  4. Follow other users and see their pictures on my timeline.

  5. Like a picture and leave a comment on it.

  6. Download a picture I like and save it to my machine.


Behaviour Input Output
Register Account Enter details An account is created
Login User username: .........
Logged in into the account and directed to the index page
Display User timeline N/A User Posts
Display drivers available Click Profile icon User is directed to a page where they can view all their posts
Display edit profile information Click on edit profile Enter any details that need to be edited
Click save Save edited details
Display a list of people to follow Click on follow Follow other users
Click like/dislike Like/dislike other user posts
Display comment form Click on comment Comment on a user post

Deployed site

Click here

Known Bugs

  • Follow

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres Database
  • Css
  • HTML


MIT ©2019 Mark Mumba