
Take screenshots for a list of URLs and viewports with puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Use puppeteer to take screenshots of a list of URLs for multiple viewports


yarn add --global screenshots-cli

CLI Usage

  Take screenshots for a list of URLs and viewports

    $ screenshots

    --version          Output version
    --urls             List of comma-separated URLs to visit. (Must include protocol)
    --viewports        List of comma-separated viewport dimensions to take screenshots.
                          Specify both width and height like: 1440x768,768x768
                          OR only specify the width to capture the entire page.
                          You can use a combination of both.

    --outputDir, -o    Screenshots directory name. Defaults to $pwd/screenshots
    --emptyDir, -rm    Empty the output directory

  Authentication Options
    --loginUrl         URL to authenticate with username/password
    --username, -u     Auth username
    --password, -p     Auth password

    $ screenshots \
        --urls=https://mysite.com \

Programmatic Usage

const path = require('path')
const screenshots = require('screenshots-cli')

  urls: ['https://mysite.com/login'],
  viewports: [
    [1440, 768], // [width, height] - height is optional
  outputDir: path.join(process.cwd(), 'screenshots'), // default

Usage with auth

const path = require('path')
const screenshots = require('screenshots-cli')

  urls: ['https://mysite.com'],
  loginUrl: 'https://mysite.com/login',
  username: process.env.USERNAME,
  password: process.env.PASSWORD,

Customising login form selectors

const path = require('path')
const screenshots = require('screenshots-cli')

  urls: ['https://mysite.com/myaccount'],
  loginUrl: 'https://mysite.com/login',
  username: process.env.USERNAME,
  password: process.env.PASSWORD,
  selectors: {
    username: 'input[type="username"]',
    password: 'input[type="password"]',
    submit: 'input[type="submit"]',
  .then(results => {
    // Returns array of screenshot objects
    // See below for results type definition

Results schema

    filename: String,
    createdAt: Date,
    uri: Base64


Option Type Required Default Description
urls Array Yes Array of URLs to visit
viewports Array [[1440], [768], [425], [320]] Viewport dimensions to take for each URL
outputDir String path.join(process.cwd(), 'screenshots') Directory to write screenshots
emptyDir Boolean false Empty the output directory
loginUrl String URL to authenticate
username String Auth username
password String Auth password
selectors Object { username: 'input[type="email"]', password: 'input[type="password"]', submit: 'form button' } HTMLElement selectors for login form

Running locally

Unauthenticated routes

yarn start --urls=https://mysite.com

Authenticated routes

You will be prompted for your username and password. The password will be hidden

yarn start:auth --urls=https://mysite.com/myaccount

Diffing two images

Make sure you have imagemagick installed locally:

brew install imagemagick

Compare images:

compare screenshots/one.png screenshots/two.png [-highlight-color blue] -compose src diff.png