
A utility useful on a MagicInfo Windows server

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A set of utilities useful on a MagicINFO server compiled to a single binary. Most of the commands have optional JSON output which can be used in other programs.

MagicUtil 0.1.12
Released under the MIT license.

Useful utilities on a Samsung MagicINFO server for sysadmin tasks.

    magicutil <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    bcrypt     Utilities based on MagicINFO's bcrypt hashing algorithm used to store password
    config     Get, set, replace or remove properties from MagicINFO's main config.properties
    help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    info       Utilities based on retrieving information from the system
    open       Tries to open the given file
    service    Utilities based on the MagicINFO Windows service
    system     Query system properties used in MagicINFO
    tail       Tries to tail and follow the given file

Why does it exist?

Being a mostly Linux person, clicking through the interface in Windows to search certain configuration files or to tail and follow logs feels less efficient than it does on a Linux machine. Doing all this with a few simple commands in CMD or Powershell helps a lot when doing maintenance on a MagicINFO server.

What can it do?

The program can do more than the things listed below. This is just an example of what it does.

Get server information

Getting an overview of the server you're currently working on:

PS C:\> magicutil info all --json | jq
  "magicinfo": {
    "CONTENTS_HOME": "C:/MagicInfo Premium/runtime/upload",
    "web_url": "https://a.fictional.webserver.com:7002/MagicInfo",
    "wsrm.premiumVersion": "MagicINFO V8 build NA-MICS-20.1010.7"
  "database": {
    "wsrm.dbVendor": "PostgreSQL",
    "wsrm.url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/magicinfo",
    "wsrm.username": "admin"
    "wsrm.password": "admin",
  "system": {
    "boardid": "MIXXXXXXXXXX",
    "hwunique": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "macaddress": "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
  "service": {
    "state": "Running",
    "serviceUser": "LocalSystem",
    "startMode": "Auto"

Query certain configuration values

PS C:\> magicutil config get device.log4j.on device.log4j.level --json | jq
  "device.log4j.on": "false",
  "device.log4j.level": "INFO"

Query encrypted configuration values

PS C:\> magicutil config get wsrm.username wsrm.password --decrypt --json | jq
  "wsrm.username": "postgres",
  "wsrm.password": "password"

Overlay two configuration files to generate a new configuration file

PS C:\> magicutil config overlay ./template.properties ./overlay.properties | Out-File -FilePath ./config.properties

Setting certain configuration values

PS C:\> magicutil config set listen.port 7001
PS C:\> magicutil config set wsrm.username postgres --encrypt

Opening files

It checks if you have Notepad++ installed. If not, it will fall back to the Windows built-in notepad.exe. Note that you don't have to be in the same folder as the file you're requesting. The program knows the location of these files and opens them:

PS C:\> magicutil open config.properties
Opened file with Notepad++...

Tail files

All new output from that file will be printed to the terminal:

PS C:\> magicutil tail wsrm.log

Hash passwords

A string of text can be converted to a password hash, as used in MagicINFO's database to authenticate a user.

PS C:\> magicutil bcrypt hash testpassword

Manage the Windows service

Doesn't only test if the service is running, but also if it is available and loaded. This will check if the (fairly long) startup procedure has finished and if the interface is available:

PS C:\> magicutil service available --json | jq
  "available": true

Restarts the service and additionally wait until the HTTP service is back online:

PS C:\> magicutil service restart --available --silent

After some other service (re)started MagicINFO, it can wait until the HTTP service is back online:

PS C:\> magicutil service wait --available

Install this program


Make sure you have Rust installed, there is a oneliner-installer on their website:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

To cross-compile to other OS's and architectures we need cross:

cargo install cross

Cross depends on Docker to build programs. If you don't have Docker yet, make sure to install it. The installation instructions for Docker are different for every OS, so they won't be listed here.


To compile this program yourself execute:

make windows


Or download a version from the releases page.