
Deep Neural Network for Image Classification

Implements a 2-layer and L-layer neural network based binary classifiers in Scala using linear algebra libraries. There are two different implementations: One based on Breeze and another one with ND4J. Also includes a demo web app based on Scala, http4s and React to demonstrate classification.

see deep-learning-proto


Use Apache Camel for integration framework for watching directory contents and delivering files to a JMS queue (in HornetQ).

see camel-proto for more information.


Access Apache Cassandra NoSQL database using the Astyanax client. Demonstrates how to use the Astyanax and CQL 3 based APIs as well as prepared statements and batch update features.

Sample code contributed to Astyanax astyanax-examples.


Experiment with the new HttpClient execution chain APIs. The aim here is to intercept requests, so that a particular response can be issued on the client-side. Useful e.g. for integration testing and some environments where outbound connections are restricted.


Experiment with the HK2 dependency injection framework. This experiment was aimed at the Jersey 2 Spring integration implementation, see Implementing Jersey 2 Spring integration.


Absolutely nothing to see here :-)


Demonstrate an bug with Jersey 1 & Jackson 2 JAX-RS JSON provider.


  • jaxrs-arquillian-test: implement JAX-RS resource class integration tests with Arquillian. see jaxrs-arquillian-test.
  • jersey-hello: testing JAX-RS filters using the Jersey 2 Test Framework.
  • jersey-jetty: execute WAR web apps in programmatically bootstrapped Jetty container.


Experiment with implementing a custom ServletContainerInitializer.


Experiment with rendering Liquid templates using JRuby. This work eventually evolved into A JVM polyglot experiment with JRuby.


Experiments with Metrics monitoring toolkit.


LDA proto with Apache Spark MLlib


OAuth2 resource server prototype in Scala.


OAuth2 client and provider experiments in Java.


TsvToExcel tool can read in multiple data files in TSV format and produce a single SpreadsheetML (e.g. MS Excel 2003 and later) file with each source file in its own sheet.


Prototype code for reading Vowpal Wabbit model files in Scala.