This Plugin extends madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements. The extension allows you to display a thumbnail beside the rsce element type.
The image configuration can be made in the config file of your rocksolid custom element.
Execute the following command to install the extension:
composer require markocupic/contao-rsce-backend-info-image
The image html markup, the image size and the "add_after_regex_pattern" can be customized in your project config/config.yml
# config/config.yml
image_markup: '<div class="long widget rsce-backend-info-image"><div class="rsce-backend-info-image-inner"><img src="###IMAGE_SRC###" alt="###IMAGE_ALT###"></div></div>'
add_after_regex_pattern: /<legend onclick="AjaxRequest\.toggleFieldset\(this,\'([a-z]+)_legend\',\'([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\'\)">([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)<\/legend>/
image_size: [400, '', 'proportional']
This extension has been sponsored by, 63067 Offenbach am Main, Germany