Contao Twig Assets
Adding assets via the global array $GLOBALS
is no more possible when using TWIG templates.
This Bundle for the Contao CMS provides 5 TWIG functions to load assets from inside your TWIG template.
Each of these five functions take two parameters e.g. addJavascriptResource($resource_path, $position) The first parameter '$resource_path' is mandatory, while the second parameter '$position' is optional.
Default usage:
{# Inside your twig template: #}
{% do addJavascriptResource('bundles/contaofoobarplugin/js/my.js|static') %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'bundles/contaofoobarplugin/js/my.js|static'; #}
Set a javascript resource at a fixed position or replacing it:
{# Inside your twig template: #}
{% do addJavascriptResource('bundles/contaofoobarplugin/js/my.js|static', 2) %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][2] = 'bundles/contaofoobarplugin/js/my.js|static'; #}
{# Inside your twig template: #}
{% do addJavascriptResource('bundles/contaofoobarplugin/js/my.js|static') %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'bundles/contaofoobarplugin/js/my.js|static'; #}
{% do addCssResource('bundles/contaofoobarplugin/css/style.css|static') %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'bundles/contaofoobarplugin/css/style.css|static'; #}
{% do addHtmlToHead('<script src="bundles/contaofoobarplugin/script.js"></script>') %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_HEAD'][] = '<script src="bundles/contaofoobarplugin/script.js"></script>'; #}
{% do addHtmlToBody('<script src="bundles/contaofoobarplugin/scripts.js"></script>') %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_BODY'][] = '<script src="bundles/contaofoobarplugin/script.js"></script>'; #}
{% do addMootoolsResource('<script src="bundles/myextension/moo_scripts.js"></script>') %}
{# Same as $GLOBALS['TL_MOOTOOLS'][] = '<script src="bundles/contaofoobarplugin/moo_script.js"></script>'; #}
File make time
Get the file make time of a script or css asset and append the version parameter to ensure that clients always receive the latest version of the asset, when it changes.
{# Inside your twig template: #}
{% set fileMakeTime = getFileMakeTime('vendor/foo-bar-bundle/public/css/my.css') %}.
{% do addCssResource('bundles/foobar/css/my.css|' ~ fileMakeTime) %}
{# --> bundles/foobar/css/my.css?v=93449db6 #}