
POC prometheus Exporter for Obsidian

Primary LanguageGo

Obisidian Note Metrics

Proof of concept for monitoring and alerting on metrics from your Obsidian Vault1

The exporter looks for a particular tag in your markdown files and exposes that as a prometheus gauge.

This can then be consumed by prometheus, visualised with grafana and notifications provided by alert manager.

The example uses telegram for notifications but it would be easy enough to use another notification method.


This repository uses Taskfile as a build helper. Run task -l to see available tasks.

Building the exporter

Using Taskfile:

task build


go build -o obsidian-exporter -v main.go


➜  ./main -h
Usage of ./obsidian-exporter:
  -listen-address string
        The address to listen on for HTTP requests. (default ":8090")
  -tag string
        tag to check for (default "#unprocessed")
  -vault-collection string
        location of your files to check (default "./")

Running the exporter and passing through a vault location:

./obsidian-exporter -vault-collection "/Users/$USER/Documents/personal-notes"

Example with local prometheus and alert manager

clone the repo and build the exporter:

git clone 
task build

run the exporter:

./obsidian-exporter -vault-collection "/Users/$USER/Documents/personal-notes"

Alerting with Telegram

To notify Telegram a bot token and chat ID need to go into a file for alertmanager to consume. This example uses a 1password template in example/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml.tpl

Tune alert.yml to alert on the total number of unprocessed notes, the default set in the example alerts on greater than 8 unprocessed notes

 `expr: total_unprocessed_notes > 8`

Run docker compose

task example:up



  1. Actually, this doesn't need Obsidian to work. It'll work on any folder with Markdown files in (as long as they have tags in them)