
Blocknative Assist widget for blockchain usability

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Takes care of onboarding your users, keeping them informed about transaction status and comprehensive usage analytics with minimal setup. Supports web3 versions 0.20 and 1.0.


Assist's UI elements

☝️ A collection of Assist's UI elements.

👇 Assist's transaction notifications in action.

Assist's transaction notifications

Getting Started

To integrate assist.js into your dapp, you'll need to do 4 things:

  1. Install the widget
  2. Initialize the library
  3. Call onboard
  4. Decorate your contracts

Install the widget

Script Tag

Our widget is currently hosted on S3. The library uses semantic versioning. The current version 0.2.1. There are minified and non-minified versions. Put this script at the top of your <head>

<script src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/bnc-assist/0-2-0/assist.js"

<!-- OR... -->

<script src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/bnc-assist/0-2-0/assist.min.js"


npm i bnc-assist

Initialize the library

Full documentation of the config object is below, but the minimum required config is as follows:

var bncAssistConfig = {
  dappId: dappId,       // [String] The dapp ID supplied to you by Blocknative when you sign up for an account
  networkId: networkId  // [Integer] The network ID of the Ethereum network your dapp is deployd on.
                        //           See below for instructions on how to setup for local blockchains.

var assistInstance = assist.init(bncAssistConfig);

Call onboard

At some point in your dapp's workflow, you'll want to ensure users have the proper environment. This is done by calling onboard. Some dapps will call onboard immediately upon any page load. Others may wait until loading certain pages or until a certain button is clicked. In any event, it is as simple as calling:

  .then(function(success) {
    // User has been successfully onboarded and is ready to transact
  .catch(function(error) {
    // The user exited onboarding before completion
    // Will let you know what stage of onboarding the user was up to when they exited

Decorate your contracts

The first three steps in the getting started flow will get your users onboarded. This step adds transaction support in order to help guide your users through a series of issues that can arise when signing transactions.

Using our decorated contracts will also enable some transaction-level metrics tracking to give you insights into things like:

  • How many transactions fail because a user doesn't have enough Ether
  • How many transactions are started but rejected by the user

Decorating your contracts is simple:

var myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
var myDecoratedContract = assistInstance.Contract(myContract)

// and then replace `myContract` with `myDecoratedContract`
// throughout your app
// ...

You can then use myDecoratedContract instead of myContract.

To speed things up, you can replace the contract after saving the original:

var myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
var originalMyContract = myContract;
myContract = assistInstance.Contract(myContract)

API Reference


A JavaScript Object that is passed to the init function.

var config = {
  networkId: Number, // The network id of the Ethereum network your Dapp is working with (REQUIRED)
  dappId: String, // The api key supplied to you by Blocknative (REQUIRED)
  web3: Object, // The instantiated version of web3 that the Dapp is using
  mobileBlocked: Boolean, // Defines if the Dapp works on mobile
  minimumBalance: String, // Defines the minimum balance in Wei that a user needs to have to use the Dapp
  messages: {
    // See custom transaction messages section below for more details
    txPending: Function, // Transaction is pending and awaiting confirmation
    txSent: Function, // Transaction has been sent to the network
    txSendFail: Function, // Transaction failed to be sent to the network
    txStall: Function, // Transaction was sent but not received in the mempool after 30 secs
    txFailed: Function, // Transaction failed
    nsfFail: Function, // User doesn't have enough funds to complete transaction
    txRepeat: Function, // Warning to user that they might be repeating a transaction
    txAwaitingApproval: Function, // Warning to user that they have a previous transaction awaiting approval
    txConfirmReminder: Function, // A warning to the user that their transaction is still awaiting approval
    txConfirmed: Function // Transaction is confirmed
  images: {
    welcome: {
      src: String, // Image URL for welcome onboard modal
      srcset: String // Image URL(s) for welcome onboard modal
    complete: {
      src: String, // Image URL for complete onboard modal
      srcset: String // Image URL(s) for complete onboard modal

Custom Transaction Messages

The functions provided to the messages object in the config, will be called with the following object so that a custom string can be returned:

  transaction: {
    to: String, // The address the transaction was going to
    gas: String, // Gas (wei)
    gasPrice: String, // Gas price (wei)
    hash: String, // The transaction hash
    nonce: Number, // The transaction nonce
    value: String // The value of the transaction (wei)
  contract: {
    methodName: String, // The name of the method that was called
    parameters: Array // The parameters that the method was called with


var config = {
  messages: {
    txConfirmed: function(data) {
      if (data.contract.methodName === 'contribute') {
        return 'Congratulations! You are now a contributor to the campaign'

Ethereum Network Ids

The available ids for the networkId property of the config object:

  • 1: mainnet
  • 3: ropsten testnet
  • 4: rinkeby testnet

The kovan testnet is not supported.

Local networks

When you are running locally (e.g. using ganache), set networkId to 0. This represents a local network.


All errors are called with eventCode and msg properties


  eventCode: 'initFail',
  msg: 'A api key is required to run assist'




config - Object: Config object to configure and setup assist (Required)


The initialized version of the assist library


var assistLib = assist.init(assistConfig)




  • resolves with onboard success message if user has been successfully onboarded
  • rejects with an error msg if the user exits onboarding before completion. The error will detail the stage of onboarding the user was up to when they exited


  .then(function(success) {
    // User has been successfully onboarded and is ready to transact
  .catch(function(error) {
    // The user exited onboarding before completion
    console.log(error.msg) // Will let you know what stage of onboarding the user was up to when they exited



contractInstance - Object: Instantiated web3 contract object (Required)


A decorated contract to be used instead of the original instance


const myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address)
const myDecoratedContract = da.Contract(myContract)


Transaction(txObject [, callback])


txObject - Object: Transaction object (Required) callback - Function: Optional error first style callback if you don't want to use promises


Promise or PromiEvent (web3.js 1.0)

  • resolves with transaction hash
  • rejects with an error msg


  .then(txHash => {
    // Transaction has been sent to the network
  .catch(error => {
    console.log(error.msg) // => 'User has insufficient funds'




  • resolves with the current state of the app represented as a JavaScript Object
state = {
  config: Object,
  legacyWeb3: Boolean,
  modernWeb3: Boolean,
  web3Version: String,
  web3: Object,
  userAgent: String,
  validKey: Boolean,
  newUser: Boolean,
  userWelcomed: Boolean,
  currentProvider: String,
  validBrowser: Boolean,
  web3Wallet: Boolean,
  legacyWallet: Boolean,
  modernWallet: Boolean,
  accessToAccounts: Boolean,
  walletLoggedIn: Boolean,
  walletEnabled: Boolean,
  walletEnableCalled: Boolean,
  walletEnableCanceled: Boolean,
  correctNetwork: Boolean,
  userCurrentNetworkId: Number,
  minimumBalance: String,
  socket: Object,
  socketConnection: Boolean,
  accountAddress: String,
  accountBalance: String,
  transactionQueue: Array,
  transactionAwaitingApproval: Boolean,
  iframe: Object,
  iframeDocument: Object,
  iframeWindow: Object


  .then(function(state) {
    if (state.validBrowser) {
      console.log('valid browser')


Installing dependencies


npm i





npm test


yarn test



npm run build


yarn build