
Resources on self-management/organization

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A crowdsourced knowledge base on any and all things self-management/organization

#learnSO #accountability #collaboration #decisionmaking SELF-Organization
Governance Frameworks Case Studies Terminology Reading List



Defining Self-Organization

Accountability: A sense of responsibility in individuals and groups to follow agreements. Agreements are the legislation which govern the rules of how a team or organization operates.

Role: A clearly defined and mutually exclusive area of responsibility. Roles can be filled temporarily or permanently, typically by a single individual.

Agile: Agile is a product and project methodology in which requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing and cross-functional teams. There is a bias towards incremental improvement and iterative learning through short (typically daily or 1-2 weeks) sprint cycles.

Holacracy: A structure and way of operating an organizing with power distributed throughout an organization. This gives individuals and teams more freedom to self-manage, while staying aligned to the organizationā€™s overall purpose. more information here

Sociocracy: Sociocracy, or dynamic governance, is a governance system that aims to create healthy social environments, which lead to productive organizations.

Child-Parent Paradigm: A Child-Parent paradigm exists between two individuals when one individual holds a clear higher position than the other in the power dynamic.

Adult-Adult Paradigm: An Adult-Adult relationship exists between two individuals when one individual holds equal position in the power dynamic than the other.

Governance: Governance in SO organizations are made through a set of agreements. These agreements are the legislation which govern the rules of how we operate.

Stewardship: Stewards are facilitators of roles. Stewards look after your relationship with the group, your one guaranteed point of contact for each role. Stewards are responsible for carrying out each role and recruiting other individuals to help with the completion of tasks related to a role.


Accountability & Roles

Rhythm & Cadence



Parent-Child / Adult-Adult Paradigms

Listening & Communication




  • Loomio
    Collaborative open-source decision-making platform
  • Trello
    Free, intuitive project management tool
  • Todoist
    Intelligent task management
  • Twist
    Organized, productive async team communications platform
  • Cobudget
    Collaborative funding


Governance Frameworks

  • Agile
    Process by which a team manages a project by breaking it up into several stages and involving constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement and iteration at every stage
  • Holacracy
    Method of decentralized management and organizational governance, in which authority and decision-making are distributed throughout a holarchy of self-organizing teams rather than being vested in a management hierarchy
  • Sociocracy
    Sociocracy, or dynamic governance, is a governance system that aims to create healthy, harmonious social environments, which lead to productive organizations.
  • Teal Organizations
    This paradigm views the organization as an independent force with its own purpose, and not merely as a vehicle for achieving management's objectives. Assigned positions and job descriptions are replaced with a multiplicity of roles, often self-selected and fluid. Peopleā€™s actions are guided not by orders from someone up the chain of command but by ā€˜listeningā€™ to the organizationā€™s purpose.
  • Teleocracy
    Management system based on a sense of clear purpose
  • Workplace Democracy
  • ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment)
    Management strategy designed to increase productivity while eliminating the arbitrary constraints of traditional workplaces
  • Horizontal Management
  • Self-Management
  • Lattice Management
  • Radical Management
  • Wiki Management

Self Organizing Leaders



Same as Defining Self-Organization section under #learnSO

Reading List

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