
Install NVM on macOS or Ubuntu developer machines

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Ansible Quality Score Ansible Role GitHub release License

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Ansible role to install Node.js with NVM on macOS or Ubuntu Developer machines.

The role doesn't use Homebrew for installing nvm on macOS as it's not a support method in the upstream repository.

Git and cURL are installed if missing on the target system.

Role Variables

# We're installing stable Node.js version by default
nvm_default_node_version: stable
  - "{{ nvm_default_node_version }}"

# Initialize shell profile scripts
nvm_shell_init: yes

# Define the shell profile scripts to initialiaze
  - .bashrc
  - .zshrc

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
      - { role: markosamuli.nvm }

Linux distribution support

I've used this for installing NVM and Node.js on Pengwin distribution on WSL.

The configuration variables for bash and zsh profiles are missing for untested distributions.



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