
A mobile game meant to challenge your mathematical thinking abilities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Evomath is a free, open-source mobile game, which focuses on improving your mathematical problem-solving skills in a quick-paced environment! It is developed by Chronos using react native and javascript.

What does it do?

Evomath improves your arithmetic skills by challenging you to solve simple mathematic equations under a time limit. Although it might seem simple at first it the questions become harder and you have less time to solve them so you are always on your edge.

Who is it meant for?

Everyone! Evomath is designed to be used by everyone even from the first grade up until retirement.

How does it work?

During the game you will be presented with a simple arithmetic question such as 15+8 or 12/3. You then have to choose the correct answer from 4 answer options. If you chose correctly your score will increase depending on how fast you answered the question and you will proceed to the next question. When you choose the wrong answer you will see which was the right answer and the game will end. But if you run out of time to answer the question the game will end and the points gained from the last question will be deducted. When the game is over you will be able to see your performance and try again or choose another mode.


Arithmetic abilities are the foundation which all the rest of mathematics is based upon. If you have poor arithmetic skills all your mathematical abilities would be compromised. Besides improving your arithmetic skills, Evomath also improves your reaction and general cognition which are crucial for your everyday activities.

User reviews and opinions

We have been able to get a few people from different age groups to try out the game. People really enjoyed the simplicity of the app as well as had fun by trying to solve the problems. This proved to us that our idea works in practice since we were able to improve peoples arithmetic skills by masking it as a simple and fun game.

What's to come

Currently we are actively developing Evomath. In the future we plan to add more more modes, leaderboards, customizability, accessibility and the ability to play against your friends.

How to experience Evomath

Currently Evomath is in active development and it is an advanced application but there are 2 ways to experience it. Firstly there is a playthrough video where you can see how the game functions.

You can find the video here: https://youtu.be/hVGCuZkrkss

But if you want to hold it in your own hands (literally) follow these steps to run it on your phone via the open-soure platform expo.

Steps for expo:

  1. Clone our github repository to your computers users file from here: https://github.com/markosneiders/Evomath
  2. Make sure you have the latest Node.js version installed. If not download it from here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  3. Open command prompt and navigate to the folder using "cd evomath"
  4. In the command prompt type in "npm install -g expo-cli" to install expo and then "npm install" to install the required dependencies.
  5. After installing expo and the required dependencies in the same command prompt run "expo start". This will start expo and open a browser window with a QR code.
  6. On your phone install "Expo Go" from the app store or play store.
  7. Make sure your phone is on the same wifi network as your computer.
  8. If the device is running IOS open the camera and scan the aforementioned QR code. This will open the app on your phone.
  9. If the device is running android open "Expo Go" and press "scan QR code". This will open the app on your phone.
  10. Now you should be able experience Evomath on your device! If you are unable to run the app contact us at roberts.mezals@gmail.com and we will help.
  11. Enjoy!