Outer Fringes


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       If you're looking to work on the feature, concept art or monetization model designer bounties, we would love to welcome you to our project! Please reach out to us on discord at Zapper#6923 and we will onboard you with or vision, regular updates and answer any of your questions so your work can commence as smoothly as possible.

What is Outer Fringes?

       In Outer Fringes you play as a former detective from Ceres in the year 2283 delivering cargo between colonies on New Terra. In between delivery, trading, and customizing your NEV you try to find the answers to your colony ship crash, which took your friend's life. In addition to delivering cargo yourself, you can set up automated NEVs to deliver cargo for you and customize them to fit the task. Need the cargo to stay warm? Add a heated compartment or make the NEV go faster to reach the destination quicker. Are road conditions at the destination rough? Modify the wheels to have increased traction, add better suspension and increase engine and brake power. The choice is yours!

What is the story of Outer Fringes?

       The year is 2283. Humanity has colonized the entire solar system and perfected space travel with fusion-powered spacecraft, but 12 years ago, in a high orbit around Saturn, a mysterious gateway opened, extraterrestrial in origin. Who put it there? Nobody knows, but we know that behind this gate are hundreds of habitable systems, ideal for humanity. Now the most significant migration in the history of humanity is underway as everyone flocks to these new systems seeking new opportunities and wealth. Among these fortune-seekers is you, a former detective from Ceres traveling to New Terra with your long-time engineer friend Pascal. New Terra was one of the first new worlds to be colonized gaining its name for its remarkable similarity to earth with blue oceans and skies, as well as grass, trees, and snow. Although it sounds quite similar to earth, it has its quirks, such as sporting beautiful planetary rings, having 10 moons, and an average temperature of 10 degrees centigrade.
       With your new home in your sights, you board the colony ship, which will take you and hundreds of other people and supplies to build a new home away from home. After 3 long years, the ship is finally arriving, but something is wrong, you are awoken from suspended animation with alarms blaring and an evacuation order issued. You scramble to get into an evacuation pod as the ship is being pulled down to the surface of New Terra. During the launch, your pod is severely damaged from impact with debris from the ship and barely slows down before impacting the surface.
       You awake in a makeshift hospital. The doctor says you’re lucky to be alive and begins to explain the severity of the situation. The ship crashed, but luckily most supplies and new colonists were able to evacuate and make their way down to the surface safely. You exit the hospital into the hastily constructed outpost from the leftover supplies. In the distance, you spot Pascal’s garage and rush over there. You enter the garage to find no one there, but a blinking terminal with the message “Protocol activated: In case of my death”. Your stomach sinks to the floor as you press proceed. The screen flickers and a pre-recorded message from Pascal appears. “If you’re listening to this for one reason or another I didn’t make it, I'm blaming the suspended animation, never trusted that tech.” He laughs. “On the bright side, my garage survived. I know you’ve always wanted your own NEV to tinker around with so now is your chance. I'm giving you full access to the systems so tinker all you want. I’ll always be with you. I mean my AI will be here, in this garage, to guide you with customizing your NEV ”. The message ends and the garage glows brightly as all the systems turn on, and in the middle, you see his NEV, now yours.
       Your story begins now. Help out your colony by delivering resources and trading with other nearby colonies, upgrading your NEV, and most importantly, finding what caused your ship to go down. The locals must know something...