#Word Embeddings for Historical Text
Author: William Hamilton (wleif@stanford.edu)
An eclectic collection of tools for analyzing historical language change using vector space semantics.
Various embeddings (for many languages and using different embeddings approaches are available on the project website.
Some pre-trained word2vec (i.e., SGNS) historical word vectors for multiple languages (constructed via Google N-grams) are also available here:
- All English (eng-all)
- English fiction (eng-fiction-all)
- French (fre-all)
- German (ger-all)
- Chinese (chi-sim-all)
All except Chinese contain embeddings for the decades in the range 1800s-1990s (2000s are excluded because of sampling changes in the N-grams corpus). The Chinese data starts in 1950.
Embeddings constructed using the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) are also available:
contains an example run, showing how to download and use the embeddings.
shows how to use the vector representations in the Python code (assuming you have already run the example.sh
This paper describes how the embeddings were constructed. If you make use of these embeddings in your research, please cite the following:
@inproceedings{hamilton_diachronic_2016, title = {Diachronic {Word} {Embeddings} {Reveal} {Statistical} {Laws} of {Semantic} {Change}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.09096}, booktitle = {Proc. {Assoc}. {Comput}. {Ling}. ({ACL})}, author = {Hamilton, William L. and Leskovec, Jure and Jurafsky, Dan}, year = {2016} }
The structure of the code (in terms of folder organization) is as follows:
Main folder for using historical embeddings:
contains code that provides a high-level interface to (historical) word vectors and is originally based upon Omer Levy's hyperwords package (https://bitbucket.org/omerlevy/hyperwords).
Folders with pre-processing code and active research code (potentially unstable):
contains code for pulling and processing historical Google N-Gram Data (http://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv2.html).coha
contains code for pulling and processing historical data from the COHA corpus (http://corpus.byu.edu/coha/).statutils
contains helper code for common statistical tasks.vecanalysis
contains code for evaluating and analyzing historical word vectors.sgns
contains a modified version of Google's word2vec code (https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/)
shows how to compute the simlarity series for two words over time, which is how we evaluated different methods against the attested semantic shifts listed in our paper.
If you want to learn historical embeddings for new data, the code in the sgns
directory is recommended, which can be run with the default settings. As long as your corpora has at least 100 million words per time-period, this is the best method. For smaller corpora, using the representations/ppmigen.py
code followed by the vecanalysis/makelowdim.py
code (to learn SVD embeddings) is recommended. In either case, the vecanalysis/seq_procrustes.py
code should be used to align the learned embeddings. The default hyperparameters should suffice for most use cases.
Core dependencies:
- python 2.7
- sklearn: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/
- cython: http://docs.cython.org/src/quickstart/install.html
- statsmodels: http://statsmodels.sourceforge.net/
You will also need Juptyer/IPython to run any IPython notebooks.