
Cell-based markdown preprocessor with execution. Coder's jupyter

Primary LanguagePython


Leko is a cell-based renderer that aims to replace jupyter-notebook for the use-case I have. jpnb promotes bad practices and, in my opinion, is difficult to work with.

The Good

A couple things about leko and nb feature-parity (a check means feature-paired):

  • Render nice output with data.
  • Run and render code output (text only).
  • Jupyter can share data between cells.
  • Render graphs, images and other ipython things.
  • Conditionally render cells

The bad

Some of the issues I have with it and would like to see resolved (a check means implemented):

  • Run any programming language/script/whatever
  • Default separated scopes across cells
  • Text-based, human-readable format: Work in any editor
  • Source cell content from other files.