Kashbase Test

Written in Laravel ❤️


Create 3 Microservices (Bank Transfer, SMS, Payment)

  • Transfer (Paystack)
  • Payment (Paystack Service)
  • SMS (my.sendchamp.com)
    • A user should be able to transfer fund and receive SMS
    • A user should be able to pay and receive SMS

How to setup

  • clone repo

git clone git@github.com:markowitz/kashbase-test.git

  • Change directory to the repository folder

cd kashbase-test

  • run composer update for all microservices

sh composer-update-all.sh

  • cd into api folder and update env with db credentials

cd api

  • run docker for all microservices

sh run.sh

  • cd into the microservices and update the necessary third party endpoints and secret keys

  • enter into the api microservice

docker exec -it kashbase.router bash

  • then run

php artisan migrate --seed


  • url POST {base_url}/api/v1/authenticate

    • params




  • url POST {base_url}/api/v1/transfer/initiate

    - params
    > `{ 
    >     account_number:0000000000
    >     bank_code:011
    >    `}
  • url POST {base_url}/api/v1/transfer/send

    - params
    > `{ 
    >     amount:100000
    >     recipient:RCP_t2o5h99jc55q54n
    >     reason:flex bro
    >     currency:NGN
    >    `}
  • url POST {base_url}/api/v1/transfer/finalize

    - params
    > `{ 
    >     otp:864970
    >     transfer_code:TRF_ihoddl0d1rajkzf
    >    `}
  • url POST {base_url}/api/v1/payments/pay

    - params
    > `{ 
    >     email:user@transfers.com
    >     amount:100000
    >    `}


  • for the authentication i used laravel sanctum, for better authentication we can use laravel passport for better security and access level to endpoints.
  • There are serveral ways microservices can communicate with each other there's RPC, Events and rest. i opted to use Events
  • I also logged my response from the sms. There are other ways to monitor if the event failed.