
Control some of MLKSHK from the command line

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


mlkshk-term is a command line tool for controlling some of your MLKSHK account. It can:

  • list your shakes
  • upload a file from your computer to a shake
  • add a file to your favorites
  • list recent popular files


Install its dependencies from the requirements.txt file:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can install it as any other Python program:

$ python setup.py install

If you don't want to install its dependencies system-wide, try installing it in a virtual environment.


First, you'll need a MLKSHK API key. Register an application in the developers section of mlkshk.com to get a key. Once you have a key, run the configure command:

$ mlkshk configure
API key: 68-A
API secret: f73D85A83def7BC29580FEB9f087A69Bc6bfacd1DDDBEBfb2bAF52c1
Redirect URL: http://localhost/
Code: 13b24c7D485A9C4e99F1B4b163ddAE6eE4b9917e

After entering your API secret and redirect URL, the authorization page should open in your web browser. After approving your app, copy the code from the URL of the resulting page and paste it at the Code: prompt.


See mlkshk --help for supported commands.

$ mlkshk shakes
|  ID |     Name     |  Owner   | Type |               URL               |
| 114 | Mark Paschal | markpasc | user | http://mlkshk.com/user/markpasc |

$ mlkshk upload ~/Pictures/funny-picture.jpg
