
My phrase express development utilites

MIT LicenseMIT


My PhraseExpress development utilities library.

PhraseExpress is a text expander tool which can be used to automate just about anything in a windows environment. I previously used AutoHotKey for automation utlities but have moved to PhraseExpress due to how easy it is to use and create new automated utilites.

I still use autohotkey for a few things that cannot be done in PhraseExpress. The AutoHotKey scripts which I use can be seen in my other repository

####Pre-requisites Install PhraseExpress!

##Usage Import the [Marks Phrases.pxp](Marks Phrases.pxp). Have a look through the phrases which I haved created.

Phrase express is a very individual utility. Every person will want to use it differently. Hopefully my exported phrases will give you some ideas for your own automated utilities.
