

Primary LanguageJava


Implement the int compareTo(PokerHand opponentHand) method of the PokerHand class, such that two poker hands can be compared. This method should return

  • HandResult.WIN.comparatorValue if this hand is better than the opponent's hand
  • HandResult.LOSS.comparatorValue if the opponent's hand is better
  • HandResult.TIE.comparatorValue if the result is a tie (AKA a split pot)

The hands should be ranked according to the rules of Texas Hold'em.

The PokerHand class has a constructor that accepts a string containing 5 cards, e.g.

PokerHand hand = new PokerHand("KS 2H 5C JD TD");

The characteristics of the string of cards are:

  • Each card consists of two characters, where
    • The first character is the value of the card: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T(en), J(ack), Q(ueen), K(ing), A(ce)
    • The second character represents the suit: S(pades), H(earts), D(iamonds), C(lubs)
  • A space is used as a separator between cards

In this poker game, Aces are always the highest card in the deck (14), so "AS KH QC JD TD" is a straight, but "AS 2H 3C 4D 5D" is not.


The repository includes a suite of unit tests that can be used to verify the correctness of your solution. It's not feasible to write a test for every possible combination of poker hands, but you are welcome to add additional test cases to the suite (but please don't remove or modify any of those provided).

The tests can be run by executing ./gradlew test (Mac/Linux) or gradlew.bat test (Windows) on the command-line from the project's root directory.


The game can be implemented using any combination of the following languages:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Kotlin
  • Groovy

You are welcome to add any 3rd party libraries/frameworks. If you choose Kotlin or Groovy, you'll need to modify the build file to support compilation of these languages. It is recommended you use at least JDK version 8.

If you choose JavaScript, you'll need to re-implement the skeleton code and tests in this repository. You will also need to include clear instructions for how to build/run the tests e.g.

execute npm install followed by npm run test in the project root

The goal is to pass the test suite. If there isn't a test for a particular case, e.g. an invalid string being passed to the PokerHand constructor, you may ignore it.


  • Clone or download this repo (do not fork it)
  • Push your solution to a private GitHub repo in your account
  • When your solution is complete, add your ClarusONE contact as a collaborator to this repo, so we can access


While we would ideally like to receive a complete solution i.e. a solution which passes all of the included test cases, we're more interested in the quality of the solution than completeness. In other words, a high quality solution that omits a few edge cases will receive more credit than a complete, but low-quality solution.

One measure of the quality of a solution is it's flexibility, e.g. if the rules were changed such that two pairs beats three-of-a-kind, how easy is it to make this change?