We are still looking for speakers and sponsors. If you would like to talk, make a submission in the miniconf issue collector and tag it talk submission:
[exact times and locations subject to change]
- April 29th Pylons Project MiniConf @ NextSpace (28 2nd St., SF) or Yelp - 12:00pm - 600pm
- April 30th Pylons Project Sprint @ NextSpace - 10am - whenever
[exact times and locations subject to change]
- April 28th AltoPy Drinkup w/ featured speaker Chris McDonough, Pyramid Architect @ Old Pro, Palo Alto 5pm
How do I get involved?
Join our planning google group or the `convore thread <https://convore.com/pylons/pylons-project-mini-conference/`_
My company loves Pylons, how can we help?!
Join the list and give us a hollar. We would love sponsorship for food and beverage. Also our web prescence currently sucks, so we would love any help anyone would be willing to offer!