
A simple React that can be used for testing in various Cloud Platforms like Azure and Heroku. See the following directions for deploying a React application to Azure, AWS, Heroku, and Google Cloud.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple React that can be used for testing in various Cloud Platforms like Azure and Heroku. See the following directions for deploying a React application to Azure, AWS, Heroku, and Google Cloud.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.6. A future revision of this application will include the use of Redux and Server Side Rendering.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • npm start
  • Runs the app in the development mode.
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
  • The page will reload if you make edits.

Building and Testing

  1. Run npm run build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the build/ directory.
  2. Test the React App locally by using MAMP: Copy all the files under the buld directory to the MAMP htdocs/[APP_NAME] directory

Important Fies

  • .github/workflows - build scripts for Azure GitHub build pipeline
  • Procfile - start file for both Heroku and AWS Cloud Platforms
  • server.js - Express app used to serve the Angular application for both Heroku and AWS Cloud Platforms
  • buildspec.yml - CI/CD build script for AWS CodePipeline
  • app.yaml - runtime configuration script for Google Cloud Platform
  • cloudbuild.yaml- CI/CD build script for Google Cloud Build

Deployment to Cloud Platform Instructions


  1. Create a new Web App (if new application)
    1. Select the + Create a new Resource menu option.
    2. Select Web App, select to Publish Code, select Node 10.x Runtime stack either Windows (required for Zip deploy) or Linux, and select a desired Region. Click Review + Create. Click Create.
    3. After your new application deployment is finished click the application link to test out. Click go to Resource.
  2. Open the Web App from the Dashboard
  3. Deploy from a Build:
    1. Select Advanced Tools and click the Go link
    2. Select the Debug console->CMD menu options.
    3. Navigate to the site/wwwroot directory.
    4. Delete the default content.
    5. Zip up all the files within the build directory.
    6. Drag and drop the zip file onto the right side of the CMD window.
  4. Deploy from a GIT CI/CD Build Pipeline:
    1. Select the Deployment Center menu option.
    2. Select the GitHub CI/CD type (authorize access if necessary) and click the Continue button.
    3. Select the GitHub Actions type and click the Continue button.
      • Fill in the GitHub Repository
      • Select the master branch
      • Select the Node.JS Runtime stack
      • Select the Node Version
      • Click the Finish button.
      • In the GitHub repo modify the GitHub build workflow file in the .guthub/workflows directory
        • Change the package: . entry to package: ./build
        • Remove the steps for Unit Testing


  1. Create a new Web App (if new application)
    1. Select the New button and select the Create new app menu option. Give your app a Name. Click the Create Appp button.
    2. Select the GitHub deployment method and connection to your GitHub repository.
    3. After your new application deployment is finished click the application link to test out. Click go to Resource.
  2. Open the Web App from the Dashboard
  3. Configure the application:
    1. Update package.json to include the express library in the list of dependencies specifiying the version of express used in development:
      • "express": "^4.17.1"
    2. Update package.json to include a Heroku post install step to build the project in the list of scripts (this step is only required for CI/CD builds):
      • "heroku-postbuild": "react-scripts build"
    3. Add a new file named Procfile to the repository with the following entry:
      • web: node server.js
    4. Add a new file named server.js to the repository that will be used to serve up the React application:
      • Set the following code to initialize the Express application:
        • app.use(express.static(__dirname);
        • app.use(express.static(__dirname + 'build');
      • The /route should contain the following code:
        • res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'build', 'index.html');
  4. Deploy from a Build:
    1. Run a build using the npm run build command.
    2. Push all the code including the build directory to the repository.
    3. Select the Deploy menu from Heroku. Click the Deploy Branch button.
  5. Deploy from a GIT CI/CD Build Pipeline:
    1. Push all the code excluding the build directory to the repository.
    2. Select the Deploy menu from Heroku. Click the Enable Automatic Deploy button. Click the Deploy Branch button.


  1. Log into AWS and select Elastic Beanstalk from the Compute Services.
  2. Create a new Web App (if new application)
    1. Click the Create a new application button.
    2. Give your application a name. Click the Create button.
    3. Click the Create a new environment button.
      • Web server environment
      • Platform of Node.js
      • Platform branch of Node.js 10 running on 64bit Linux
      • Sample application
      • Click the Create button
      • Once the environment is up and running test the Sample application to ensure all is working properly
  3. Configure the application:
    1. Update package.json to include the express library in the list of dependencies specifiying the version of express used in development:
      • "express": "^4.17.1"
    2. Update package.json to include a Heroku post install step to build the project in the list of scripts (this step is only required for CI/CD builds):
      • "heroku-postbuild": "react-scripts build"
    3. Add a new file named Procfile to the repository with the following entry:
      • web: node server.js
    4. Add a new file named server.js to the repository that will be used to serve up the React application:
      • Set the following code to initialize the Express application:
        • app.use(express.static(__dirname);
        • app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'build');
      • The /route should contain the following code:
        • res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'build', 'index.html');
  4. Deploy from a Build:
    1. Run a build using the npm run build command.
    2. Zip up all the code and files within the build directory but do not include the node_modules and src directories.
    3. Click on the Upload and deploy button.
      • Click the Choose file button and select your zip file.
      • Click the Deploy button.
  5. Deploy from a GIT CI/CD Build Pipeline:
    1. Configure code and setup build pipeline (if not already completed):
      • Add a buildspec.yml (see example below) to the root of your application code for Node 10 application.
      • Log into AWS and select Services from the main menu.
      • Select the CodePipeline service.
      • Click the Create Pipeline button.
      • Give your pipeline a name (i.e. TestAppPipeline). Click the Next step button.
      • Select GitHub from the Source provider dropdown. Click the Connect to GitHub button and select your repository and master branch. Click the Next step button.
      • Select AWS CodeBuild from the Build provider dropdown. Select the Create a new build project option. Give your build a name. Select Linux operating system with defaults and using a buildspec.
      • Click the Create Project button.
      • Click the Next step button.
      • Select AWS Elastic Beanstalk from the Deployment provider dropdown. Choose your Application and Environment from the dropdowns. Click the Next step button.
      • Click the Create pipeline button.
    2. To build and deploy your application:
      • Select the CodePipeline service from the Services dashboard. Open the Pipeline.
      • Either make a change to code in GitHub or click the Release change button to start a build and deployment.

    version: 0.2
    # Build the code
        nodejs: 10  
        - echo Installing source NPM dependencies...
        - npm install
        - echo Build started on `date`
        - npm run build
        - echo Build completed on `date`
    # Include only the files required for your application to run.
      - server.js
      - Procfile
      - package.json
      - build/**/*
      - public/**/*     

Google Cloud:

  1. Log into Google Cloud.
  2. Create a new Web App (if new application):
    1. Click on the list of projects in the top menu bar. Click the New Project button.
    2. Give your project a name, click the Create button, then select a US region and NodeJS for framework.
  3. Configure the application:
    1. Add a Google Cloud app.yaml file to the root of your repository.
    2. Set runtime to nodejs and the environment to flex and the desired minmum manual scaling settings (see the Google Cloud web site for examples).
  4. Deploy from a Build:
    1. Activate the Cloud Shell for your project:
    2. Create a working directory or navigate to an existing working directory.
      • NOTE: these steps assume the use of the Google Cloud Shell but an alternative is to download and install the Google Cloud SDK (at https://cloud.google.com/sdk).
    3. Clone the GIT Repository using the 'git clone [GIT REPO URL]' command. Navigate to the root of your project code.
    4. Run the 'npm install' command.
    5. Run the 'npm run build' command (if you make any changes run a 'git pull [GIT REPO URL]' command and run the 'npm run build' command again).
    6. Update the package.json file (you can use the build in Code Editor in the Cloud Shell) with the following changes to the scripts:
      • Update: "start": "serve -s build",
      • Add: "prestart": "npm install -g serve",
    7. Run the 'gcloud app deploy --project [PROJECT ID]' command.
    8. Access the application from the URL noted in the build screen or select the App Engine->Versions menu options from the main Google Cloud page.
  5. Deploy from a GIT CI/CD Build Pipeline:
    1. Select Cloud Build from the Google Cloud main menu.
    2. Enable the App Engine Admin API by going to the API's & Services-> Library menu options, search for App Engine Admin API, and enable the API.
    3. Click the Settings menu. Enable App Engine Service account permissions.
    4. Select the Triggers menu. Click the Connect repository button. Select GitHub option. Click the Continue button. Click the Install Google Cloud Build button to enable access to desired repositories for specified projects.
    5. Create a Google Cloud Build file named cloudbuild.yaml and add this to the root of the project in GitHub. See example below.
    6. Update the package.json file (you can use the build in Code Editor in the Cloud Shell) with the following changes to the scripts:
      • Update: "start": "serve -s build",
      • Add: "prestart": "npm install -g serve",
    7. To build and deploy your application:
      • Select the Cloud Build->Triggers menu open options.
      • Either make a change to code in GitHub and select the Cloud Build->Dashboard menu open options or select the Cloud Build->Triggers menu and click the Run Trigger button to start a build and deployment.

    # Install node packages
    - name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
        args: [ 'install' ]
    # Build productive files
    - name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
        args: [ 'run', 'build', '--prod' ]
    # Deploy to google cloud app egnine
    - name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
        args: ['app', 'deploy', '--version=prod']