
Intro to React Tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Intro to React Tutorial

This follows the Intro to React tutorial from reactjs.org.

Getting Started

You'll need Node and git installed to begin.

git clone https://github.com/markreid/react-tutorial.git
cd react-tutorial
npm install
npm start

This will clone the repository, install its dependencies and run a dev server.

A new browser window will automatically open with the app running, and the dev server will take care of updating it automatically when you make changes to the code base.

Following the tutorial

Start by checking out the first step:

npm run first-step

This code is the Starter Code from the Getting Started section.

You can step through the code every time you see a View the current code link in the tutorial, by running:

npm run next-step

Note! This will override any local changes you've made and bring your code up to date with the tutorial code; so your best bet is to only do this if you end up getting stuck.

You can step back with npm run prev-step and go to the end with npm run last-step.

You can clear any changes you've made to the current step with npm run clear-step.

Behind the scenes, this is just using git to check out different branches.