
Automated deb, rpm and pkgbuild build system using docker

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


pacur: simple packaging

Docker Repository

Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository

Docker Repository Docker Repository

Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository

Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository

Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository Docker Repository

Pacur allows building packages for multiple linux distributions with a consistent package spec format. Currently deb, rpm and pacman packages are available for several linux distributions. Builds are done on Docker containers without needing to setup any virtual machines or install any software other then Docker. All packages are built using a simple format that is similar to PKGBUILD from ArchLinux. Each distribution is different and will still require different build instructions but a consistent build process and format can be used for all builds. Docker only supports 64 bit containers, pacur can't be used to build packages 32 bit packages. Pacur will also create a deb, rpm and pacman signed repository that can be used on ArchLinux, CentOS, Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu to distribute the packages. A tutorial on creating a project is aviaible on medium.


key="example string"
key=`example "quoted" string`
key=("list with one element")
    "list with"
    "multiple elements"
key="example ${variable} string"
key:ubuntu="this will apply only to ubuntu builds"

builtin variables

key value
${srcdir} Source directory where all sources are downloaded and extracted
${pkgdir} Package directory for the root of the package


key type value
targets list List of build targets only used for projects. Prefix a ! to ignore target.
pkgname string Package name
pkgver string Package version
pkgrel string Package release number
pkgdesc string Short package description
pkgdesclong list List of lines for package description
maintainer string Package maintainer
arch string Package architecture, can be all or amd64
license list List of licenses for packaged software
section string Section for package. Built in sections available:
priority string Package priority, only used for debian packages
url string Package url
depends list List of package dependencies
optdepends list List of package optional dependencies
makedepends list List of package build dependencies
provides list List of packages provided
conflicts list List of packages conflicts
sources list List of packages sources. Sources can be url or paths that are relative to the PKGBUILD
hashsums list List of md5/sha1/sha256/sha512 hex hashes for sources, hash type is determined by the length of the hash. Use skip to ignore hash check
backup list List of config files that shouldn't be overwritten on upgrades
build func Function to build the source, starts in srcdir
package func Function to package the source into the pkgdir, starts in srcdir
preinst func Function to run before installing
postinst func Function to run after installing
prerm func Function to run before removing
postrm func Function to run after removing

build targets

target value
archlinux All archlinux releases
amazonlinux All amazonlinux releases
centos All centos releases
debian All debian releases
fedora All fedora releases
ubuntu All ubuntu releases
amazonlinux-2016.09 Amazonlinux 2016.09
amazonlinux-2017.03 Amazonlinux 2017.03
amazonlinux-2017.09 Amazonlinux 2017.09
centos-6 Centos 6
centos-7 Centos 7
debian-wheezy Debian wheezy
debian-jessie Debian jessie
debian-stretch Debian stretch
fedora-24 Fedora 24
fedora-25 Fedora 25
fedora-26 Fedora 26
fedora-27 Fedora 27
ubuntu-precise Ubuntu precise
ubuntu-trusty Ubuntu trusty
ubuntu-xenial Ubuntu xenial
ubuntu-yakkety Ubuntu yakkety
ubuntu-zesty Ubuntu zesty
ubuntu-artful Ubuntu artful
ubuntu-bionic Ubuntu bionic


directive value
apt All deb packages
pacman All pkg packages
yum All rpm packages
archlinux All archlinux releases
amazonlinux All amazonlinux releases
centos All centos releases
debian All debian releases
fedora All fedora releases
ubuntu All ubuntu releases
amazonlinux-2016.09 Amazonlinux 2016.09
amazonlinux-2017.03 Amazonlinux 2017.03
amazonlinux-2017.09 Amazonlinux 2017.09
centos-6 Centos 6
centos-7 Centos 7
debian-wheezy Debian wheezy
debian-jessie Debian jessie
debian-stretch Debian stretch
fedora-24 Fedora 24
fedora-25 Fedora 25
fedora-26 Fedora 26
fedora-27 Fedora 27
ubuntu-precise Ubuntu precise
ubuntu-trusty Ubuntu trusty
ubuntu-xenial Ubuntu xenial
ubuntu-yakkety Ubuntu yakkety
ubuntu-zesty Ubuntu zesty
ubuntu-artful Ubuntu artful
ubuntu-bionic Ubuntu bionic

Directives are used to specify variables that only apply to a limited set of build targets. All variables can use directives including user definied variables. To use directives include the directive after a variable seperated by a colon such as pkgdesc:ubuntu="This description will only apply to Ubuntu packages" The directives above are sorted lowest to highest priority.


First create a directory for the PKGBUILD file. This directory should only contain the PKGBUILD file and any other files needed such as patches. Then create a PKGBUILD the package directory. After creating the PKGBUILD build the package with docker.

$ mkdir httpserver
$ cd httpserver
$ docker run --rm -t -v `pwd`:/pacur pacur/ubuntu-trusty
pkgdesc="Http file server written with Go"
pkgdesc:centos="Http file server written with Go for CentOS"
pkgdesc:debian="Http file server written with Go for Debian"
pkgdesc:fedora="Http file server written with Go for Fedora"
pkgdesc:ubuntu="Http file server written with Go for Ubuntu"
    "Quick http file server written with Go"
    "using directory listing similar to apache"
maintainer="Example <example@pacur.org>"

build() {
    mkdir -p "go/src"
    export GOPATH="${srcdir}/go"
    mv "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" "go/src"
    cd "go/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
    go get
    go build -a

package() {
    cd "${srcdir}/go/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
    cp ${pkgname}-${pkgver} ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}

project example

A project can be created with the cli tools which can be installed using go get. The packages can be built and added to the repo. An example project is available in the example directory. The pull command should be run before all builds to update the docker images used for builds.

$ go get github.com/pacur/pacur
$ cd example
$ pacur pull
$ pacur project init
$ pacur project build
$ pacur project repo
$ go get github.com/pacur/httpserver
$ cd mirror
$ httpserver --port 80

After the repo has been created and is hosted on a server the following commands can be used to add the repo to the package manager for yum and apt. For the debian repo the jessie should be replaced with the debian/ubuntu release name. The pacur repo name and filenames can be change to suite the name of your software.

$ nano /etc/pacman.conf
Server = http://HTTP_SERVER_IP/arch

$ pacman-key --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu -r KEYID
$ pacman-key --lsign-key KEYID
$ pacman -Sy
$ pacman -S httpserver
$ nano /etc/yum.repos.d/pacur.repo
name=Pacur Repository

$ gpg --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys KEYID
$ gpg --armor --export KEYID > key.tmp; rpm --import key.tmp; rm -f key.tmp
$ yum install httpserver
$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pacur.list
deb http://HTTP_SERVER_IP/apt jessie main

$ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --recv KEYID
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install httpserver


Packages in the repository can also be signed by adding a sign.key in the project directory. The signing key cannot use a passphrase. To export a key first get the key id then export the key with the commands below.

$ gpg --list-secret-keys
$ gpg -a --export-secret-keys KEYID > sign.key

generate key

A pacur docker container is available to generate signing keys. A key can be generated by first pulling the genkey container then running the container in the project directory. This will generate a sign.key and sign.pub the public key will need to be uploaded to pgp.mit.edu

$ docker pull pacur/genkey
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pacur pacur/genkey First Last email@domain.com