
Tool to fetch and parse data generated by the "Weather Display" weather station software

Primary LanguagePython

Weather Display clientraw parser

This is a simple tool for fetching and parsing the clientraw.txt file generated by the "Weather Display" weather station software.

Pass it the URL of a clientraw.txt file on your remote server, and it will retrieve and output the data you select in a simple but highly customisable format.


python wd-parse.py -u http://example.com/path/to/clientraw.txt [-o "formatted list of output"]

Where the formatted output list is a string where options are specified as a number in two sets of curly braces. These are substituted with their corresponding value from the following table (corresponding to their definition in the clientraw.txt spec).

1	Wind: Speed - Average - Current	(Knots)
2	Wind: Speed - Current	(Knots)
3	Wind: Dir - Current		(Compass heading)
4	Temp: Outside - Current	(Celsius)
5	Humidity: Outside - Current	(Percent)
6	Baro: Current	(hPa)
7	Rain: Today - Current total	(Millimeters)
8	Rain: Total for Month	(Millimeters)
9	Rain: Total for Season	(Millimeters)
10	Rain: Rain Rate - Current	(Millimeters)
11	Rain: Rain Rate - Max	(Millimeters)
12	Temp: Indoor - Current	(Celsius)
13	Humidity: Indoor - Current	(Percentage)
14	Soil: Temperature	(Celsius)
15	Forecast Icon	(Icon)
16	Temp: Extra Sensor (Celsius)
17	Humidity: Extra Sensor (Percent)
18	Extra: Extra Sensor (Number)
19	Rain: Total for Yesterday	(Millimeters)
20	Temp: Extra Sensor 1	(Celsius - Optional)
21	Temp: Extra Sensor 2	(Celsius - Optional)
22	Temp: Extra Sensor 3	(Celsius - Optional)
23	Temp: Extra Sensor 4	(Celsius - Optional)
24	Temp: Extra Sensor 5	(Celsius - Optional)
25	Temp: Extra Sensor 6	(Celsius - Optional)
26	Humidity: Extra Sensor 1	(Percent - Optional)
27	Humidity: Extra Sensor 2	(Percent - Optional)
28	Humidity: Extra Sensor 3	(Percent - Optional)
29	Date/Time: Time - Hour	(Time - 24hr clock)
30	Date/Time: Time - Minute 	(Time - 24hr clock)
31	Date/Time: Time - Seconds	(Time - 24hr clock)
32	Station Name	(Label)
33	Lightning: Strikes - in Total	(Number)
34	Solar: Current reading (0% - 100%)	(Number)
35	Date/Time: Date - Day	(Time)
36	Date/Time: Date - Mth	(Time)
37	Battery: battery 1	(Percent - Optional)
38	Battery: battery 2	(Percent - Optional)
39	Battery: battery 3	(Percent - Optional)
40	Battery: battery 4	(Percent - Optional)
41	Battery: battery 5	(Percent - Optional)
42	Battery: battery 6	(Percent - Optional)
43	Battery: battery 7	(Percent - Optional)
44	Feelslike: Windchill - Current	(Celsius)
45	Feelslike: Humidex - Current	(Celsius)
46	Temp: Outside - Today - Max	(Celsius)
47	Temp: Outside - Today - Min	(Celsius)
48	Forecast: Icon Type	(Icon)
49	Forecast: Weather Description	(Label)
50	Baro: Trend	(hPa)
51	Wind: Speed - Hour 01	(Knots)
52	Wind: Speed - Hour 02	(Knots)
53	Wind: Speed - Hour 03	(Knots)
54	Wind: Speed - Hour 04	(Knots)
55	Wind: Speed - Hour 05	(Knots)
56	Wind: Speed - Hour 06	(Knots)
57	Wind: Speed - Hour 07	(Knots)
58	Wind: Speed - Hour 08	(Knots)
59	Wind: Speed - Hour 09	(Knots)
60	Wind: Speed - Hour 10	(Knots)
61	Wind: Speed - Hour 11	(Knots)
62	Wind: Speed - Hour 12	(Knots)
63	Wind: Speed - Hour 13	(Knots)
64	Wind: Speed - Hour 14	(Knots)
65	Wind: Speed - Hour 15	(Knots)
66	Wind: Speed - Hour 16	(Knots)
67	Wind: Speed - Hour 17	(Knots)
68	Wind: Speed - Hour 18	(Knots)
69	Wind: Speed - Hour 19	(Knots)
70	Wind: Speed - Hour 20	(Knots)
71	Wind: Speed - Gust - Max	(Knots)
72	Dewpoint: - Current	(Celsius)
73	Forecast: Cloud Height	(Feet)
74	Date/Time: Date (WD format)	(Label - WD: M/D/Y or D/M/Y)
75	Feelslike: Humidex - Max	(Celsius
76	Feelslike: Humidex - Min	(Celsius)
77	Feelslike: Windchill - Max	(Celsius)
78	Feelslike: Windchill - Min	(Celsius)
79	UV: Current reading (0-16 index)	(Number)
80	Wind: 60 Minutes ago (Knots)
81	Wind: 54 Minutes ago (Knots)
82	Wind: 48 Minutes ago (Knots)
83	Wind: 42 Minutes ago (Knots)
84	Wind: 36 Minutes ago (Knots)
85	Wind: 30 Minutes ago (Knots)
86	Wind: 24 Minutes ago (Knots)
87	Wind: 18 Minutes ago (Knots)
88	Wind: 12 Minutes ago (Knots)
89	Wind: 06 Minutes ago (Knots)
90	Temp: Outside - 60 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
91	Temp: Outside - 54 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
92	Temp: Outside - 48 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
93	Temp: Outside - 42 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
94	Temp: Outside - 36 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
95	Temp: Outside - 30 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
96	Temp: Outside - 24 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
97	Temp: Outside - 18 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
98	Temp: Outside - 12 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
99	Temp: Outside - 06 Minutes ago	(Celsius)
100	Rain: 60 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
101	Rain: 54 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
102	Rain: 48 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
103	Rain: 42 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
104	Rain: 36 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
105	Rain: 30 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
106	Rain: 24 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
107	Rain: 18 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
108	Rain: 12 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
109	Rain: 06 Minutes ago (Millimeters)
110	Feelslike: Heat Index - Max	(Celsius)
111	Feelslike: Heat Index - Min	(Celsius)
112	Feelslike: Heat Index - Current	(Celsius)
113	Wind: Speed - Avarage - Max	(Knots)
114	Lightning: Strikes - in last Min (Number)
115	Lightning: Last Strike - Hour (Time)
116	Lightning: Last Strike - Min (Time)
117	Wind: Dir - Average	(Compass heading)
118	Lightning: Last Strike - Distance (Nexstorm) (Number)
119	Lightning: Last Strike - Bearing (Nexstorm)	(Compass heading)
120	Temp: Extra Sensor 7	(Celsius - Optional)
121	Temp: Extra Sensor 8	(Celsius - Optional)
122	Humidity: Extra Sensor 4	(Percent - Optional)
123	Humidity: Extra Sensor 5	(Percent -Optional)
124	Humidity: Extra Sensor 6	(Percent - Optional)
125	Humidity: Extra Sensor 7	(Percent - Optional)
126	Humidity: Extra Sensor 8	(Percent - Optional)
127	Solar: VP Solar W/sqM (0 - 1800 W/sqM)	(Number)
128	Temp: Indoor - Max	(Celsius)
129	Temp: Indoor - Min	(Celsius)
130	Feelslike: Apparent Temp - Current	(Celsius)
131	Baro: Max	(hPa)
132	Baro: Min	(hPa)
133	Wind: Gust - Max (Knots)
134	Wind: Gust - Max - in last Hour (Time)
135	Wind: Gust - Max Today (Time)
136	Feelslike: Apparent Temp - Max	(Celsius)
137	Feelslike: Apparent Temp - Min	(Celsius)
138	Dewpoint: - Max	(Celsius)
139	Dewpoint: - Min	(Celsius)
140	Wind: Gust - Max - in last Minute	(Knots)
141	Date/Time: Date - Year	(Time)
142	THSWS:	(Celsius - If enabled in WD)
143	Temp: Outside - Current - Trend	(Boolean)
144	Humidity: Outside - Trend	(Boolean)
145	Feelslike: Humidex - Trend	(Boolean)
146	Wind: Dir - 60 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
147	Wind: Dir - 54 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
148	Wind: Dir - 48 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
149	Wind: Dir - 42 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
150	Wind: Dir - 36 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
151	Wind: Dir - 30 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
152	Wind: Dir - 24 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
153	Wind: Dir - 18 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
154	Wind: Dir - 12 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
155	Wind: Dir - 06 Minutes ago	(Compass heading)
156	Leaf: Wetness (0-15)	(Number - Optional)
157	Soil: Moisture (0-200 centibars)	(Number - Optional)
158	Wind: Speed - Average - 10 Minute	(Knots)
159	Temp: Wetbulb Temperature	(Celsius)
160	:GPS: Latitude (-ve for South)	(Number)
161	:GPS: Longitude (-ve for East)	(Number)
162	Rain: Today - 9am reset total	(Millimeters)
163	Humidity: Outside - Max	(Percent)
164	Humidity: Outside - Min	(Percent)
165	Rain: Today - Midnight reset total	(Millimeters)
166	Feelslike: Windchill - Min - Time	(Time)

So, for example, "{{3}}" in an output string would be replaced by the current wind direction.
