Qubit provides Personalization software to implement individualization at scale. We collect and ingest highly granular, low-latency behavioral, quantitative and qualitative data to make this possible, making that data available to customers through Qubit Data Exchange Live Tap. Live Tap provides full access to all the data in your Qubit data layer through a cloud-based high performance query platform, which combines high speed, low latency, data exploration, and analysis and is powered by Google BigQuery, opening up this data source to most popular BI and data integration tools.
Why Use the Looker Qubit Source Block?
There are some key use cases that are central to personalization analytics:
post-test analysis,
segment and cohort analytics,
Understanding customer behavior and preferences,
And understanding on-site activity down to the individual event level.
For Qubit customers who have licensed Live Tap, sample content is provided for the Looker reporting tool including this Looker source block for connecting to the base retail schema for Qubit Live Tap. Qubit can provide your organization with access to Looker if you do not already use it at your organization, and we also have versions of this source block for gaming and travel industry customers along with sample dashboards and looks.
Looker has two unique features that are essential for conducting analysis on data from the Qubit platform.
It provides a business semantic model over our granular event-level data store making it more suitable for querying by marketers
Its compatibility with our Live Tap architecture, as it can work directly with Google BigQuery rather than extracting just a subset of your data into a query cache
The semantic model for Live Tap in Looker joins together all of the Live Tap Business Views and presents brands’ Qubit data as subject areas, measures and dimensions - so you can use the Looker point-and-click functionality in a frictionless analysis environment.
Looker’s Qubit Block is designed to work with the Qubit Live Tap retail schema; source blocks for gaming and travel industry customers can be obtained from your Qubit representative.
Business Views are a set of BigQuery SQL views designed for use with Live Tap that simplify reporting and analysis tasks by:
- Removing columns and tables from the model that aren’t relevant for reporting and analysis work, for example by excluding from the qp_bi_view business view the following ecViewevent table columns that are either not relevant for reporting, or are not usually populated:
meta_* fields e.g. meta_batchTs
context_* e.g. context_latestViewTs, context_latestSessionTs
Combining data items from multiple underlying event tables into single views for segments, views, experiences, and other reporting entities, for example by creating the qp_bi_productview that combines together columns from the ecProduct, ecBasketItem, and ecBasketItemTransaction event tables
Baking in best practice joins and data access paths between these underlying tables to ensure efficient data access and avoid double-counting of event activity. For example, making segments easily accessible by joining segment and view events from the underlying data layer event tables to create the qp_bi_segment business view that contains one row for every view in the context of segment the user is in at a particular point in time
Business Views are available to all Live Tap customers and are automatically provisioned by Qubit using the most appropriate industry model for the customer.
Each business view contains measures and dimension attributes relating to a particular subject area and additional metadata to describe the purpose of each view column. Views can be joined together for cross-subject area reporting. For example, by combining a conversion rate view with an average transaction value view we can report on an experience broken down by segment.
The core set of business views covers the common set of metrics, subject areas, and dimensions common to all verticals supported on the Qubit platform. These core business views may be extended and enhanced from time-to-time to include new metrics and subject areas. You can still directly query the underlying event tables if a column or subject area you require is not yet present in the business views.
The following core business views are available for all Qubit customers that have Live Tap data access:
Segments Membership
Goal Achieved
Visitor pulse (and Visitor pulse Lite)
User Action
In addition, three industry-specific product business views are provided for eCommerce, Travel, and eGaming industry customers:
- Product Interaction and Sales (for e-Commerce Industry customers, included in this Looker source block and as shown in the diagram below)
Package Interaction and Sales (for Travel Industry customers, available from your Qubit representative)
Bet Interaction and Sales (for e-Gaming Industry customers, available from your Qubit representative)
When brought together, these core views plus any industry-specific ones make up the Industry Business Models described in the next section.
If you are a Qubit retail vertical customer hosting your own instance of Looker and wish to use this repo to connect to your Live Tap dataset hosted by Qubit, the steps to do this are as follows:
- Set up the connection to Google BigQuery in Looker for your hosted Live Tap dataset
- Fork this GitHub Repo
- Clone the forked repo to your desktop and replace the demo project details with your organization's, then commit changes
- Set up and configure your Looker project to use this forked, customized Looker repo
To connect your Looker instance to your Qubit Live Tap dataset you'll need admin rights on your Looker instance, and you will need the following information that can be provided by your Qubit representative
- Looker Connection Name : e.g. client-connection-100000
- Qubit Project Name : e.g. qubit-client-10000
- Qubit Tracking ID : e.g. the name of the BigQuery dataset you wish to analyze in Looker
- Service Account Name : e.g. email address for a service account. This will start with qubit-client-bi@qubit-client
- JSON key file : JSON file containing authentication details.
Your JSON key file can also be downloaded from the Qubit app from the Settings>Auth Keys menu.
This qubit-cs-bi service account must be permissioned correctly for the BigQuery project your Live Tap dataset is hosted in.
- To client project as Project Viewer (IAM)
- As Writer to qubit_cs_bi_cache dataset in your BigQuery project
- As Viewer to your Live Tap dataset (because real-time queries use decorators)
To configure the connection from your Looker instance to Qubit Live Tap on Google BigQuery go to the Admin panel in Looker, then select Connections and then New Connection, then enter the following details:
- Name - Looker Connection Name
- Dialect - Google BigQuery (make sure you do not pick Standard SQL)
- Project Name - Qubit Project Name
- Dataset - Qubit Dataset (the connection will work for all datasets in the project, not just the one specified)
- OAuth Credentials Email - Service Account Name
- OAuth Credentials JSON/P12 File - upload JSON key file
- Max Billing Tier - 1
Select Test These Settings to ensure the setup works, then press Save
The remaining connection settings can be left in their default state, see the screenshot below for an example connection setting.
Now you can fork the Qubit demo Looker repo so you have a copy in your own private Github repository.
- On GitHub, navigate to the QubitProducts/looker-source-block repository.
- In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.
- On GitHub, navigate to your fork of the QubitProducts/looker-source-block repository.
- Under the repository name, click Clone or download.
- In the Clone with HTTPs section, click to copy the clone URL for the repository.
- Open the Mac OS X or Linux terminal application (or use PuTTy if on Microsoft Windows)
- At the terminal type "git clone" and then paste the URL you copied in Step 5. It will look like this, with your GitHub username instead of YOUR-USERNAME:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/QubitProducts/looker-source-block
Now at the terminal run the following commands to replace all occurrences of our demo tracking ID and project ID in the repo LookML files with your own values:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/37299/PROJECT_ID/g'
for f in *.l*; do mv $f ${f/TRACKING_ID/qshopdemo}; done
for example, for the tracking ID "mydemoshop" and client project ID "30999" you would run the commands:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/37299/30999/g'
for f in *.l*; do mv $f ${f/TRACKING_ID/mydemoshop}; done
Next, commit your changes back to the git repo.
git commit -m "added our tracking ID and project ID"
Before completing this final step, ensure that you have forked the GitHub repo and that you have repo URL. You will also need appropriate permissions on Looker to set up projects.
- Log into Looker as an admin user
- Select Develop and then Manage LookML Projects
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select New LookML Project
- Type in a name for your project. We recommend using the same project same name as the GitHub repo holding your files
- Select Generate Model & Views and Save. You’ll then be taken to the project page
- Select Configure Git. Type-in the URL of your Github repo, then select Continue
- Looker will now issue a deploy key. Select the full content content of the key and copy it to your clipboard
- Navigate to your repo in GitHub and select Settings
- In the page that's then displayed, select Deploy Keys and Add Deploy Key
- Enter a title for the deploy key and paste the deploy key given by Looker
- When prompted, Select Allow write access and Add key
- Return to Looker and on the page showing the deploy key, select Continue Setup
- Looker will now attempt to sync with GitHub repo’
- Select Sync Development Mode
If successful, the response will be Up to date with Production. This means that all permissioned users should be able to see the Live Tap model on your Looker instance.
All of the example Looker reports and business models, along with the underlying Live Tap Business Views we provide to cus tomers, as getting-started educational material, is designed to be amended, extended, or customized by customers or Qubit partners. This can be done on the understanding that only the QProtocol event tables we ingest data into are formally maintained and supported.
Qubit will support customers customizing or extending our supplied business views and Looker content on a 'best-endeavours' basis if the guidelines in this section are followed. It is also important to keep regressions that might be introduced by customized content or by any subsequent changes or upgrades we make to the base example content we ship for Live Tap, to an absolute minimum, .
As part of model release cycle, Qubit may modify the contents of this example Looker block or extend it with new fields, views or LookML dashboards. If you plan to clone this repo again in the future and incorporate those changes into your Looker repo you must ensure that your customizations are saved in the files ending with v01, or in a new file.
If you make changes to _base files and then incorporate any such repo updates into your model they will be lost in the next release or update by Qubit. We also recommend that you do not suffix your custom files with _base.
The following customization use cases are listed in order of complexity, and are intended to be followed by customers or partners looking to customize our example content; each link goes through to the relevant section in our docs site.
- Adding a new column to an example dashboard
- Adding a new derived field to the Live Tap Looker Model
- Adding a new derived field to a business view and then to Live Tap Looker model
- Adding an uploaded dataset as a new subject area to Live Tap Looker model
- Adding uploaded dataset columns to the Live Tap Looker Model
Great! Blocks were designed for continuous improvement through the help of the entire Looker community, and we'd love your input. To log an error or improvement recommentation, simply create a "New Issue" in the corresponding Github repo for this Block. Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation, and we'll address it as quick as we can.