Resume Builder


This web app allows users to easily create a beautiful, professional resume.


  • Users can register (hopefully add OAuth for one-click registration through Facebook/Google)

  • Users can login

  • Users can CRUD user_address objects, information about themselves that allows for a Applicant Tracking Systems to find them easily (e.g., zip code for candidates-within-this-radius searches)

  • Users can CRUD experience objects, describing different positions they have held, job descriptions, durations, etc.

  • Users can CRUD education objects, describing degrees they have, years they attended school, etc.

  • Users can CRUD philanthropy objects, describing the various ways they have volunteered, given back to the community, the duration they did this for, etc.

  • Frontend will make requests to get all of this data for the logged in user.

  • Users can select from a variety of different resume templates to fit all of that data into some CSS we provide, to make their resume look nice

  • Once users pay and checkout, they can download the resume they have created in .pdf and .doc(x) format.

  • TODO: figure out how to charge users after that. They should definitely be able to download the same resume for free after that first time... but should they be able to create and download completely different resumes after they have paid once, or should that require another round of payment?

  • TODO: figure out enterprise opportunities. Staffing agencies might like this kind of product so that they can create beautiful resumes of candidates who they are representing. Would need to work out features for these kinds of customers.

Set Up

Pull the project and install dependencies


$ git clone && cd ResumeBuilderRails && bundle install

See Troubleshooting section for more information. If there are issues during bundle install on OS X El Capitan, I think you might have to execute

ResumeBuilder (master) $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Start the server

ResumeBuilder (master) $ rails s

Rails by default will run on port 3000. In order to override the default port,

ResumeBuilder (master) $ rails s -p 3001

Set up Postgres

TODO. This step is probably the most difficult.

rake db:create to create databases

rake db:migrate to run migrations

bundle exec rake annotate_models to annotate model files after a migration, if necessary

rake db:seed to seed db with data defined in seeds.rb

rubocop to lint files, rubocop -a to auto-fix violations

Running tests

Currently, both API tests and unit tests are stored in the /spec directory. Tests use the RSpec framework.

Migrations can be executed on the test db by running:

ResumeBuilder (master) $ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

Seed the test db:

ResumeBuilder (master) $ rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test

Finally, execute the tests:

ResumeBuilder (master) $ bundle exec rspec


Run migrations:

mark.mullan@mark ResumeBuilder (master) $ heroku run rake db:migrate -a resume-builder-server

Connect to the db:

$ heroku pg:psql -a resume-builder-server

Tail server logs

$ heroku logs -t -a resume-builder-server


I had a ton of trouble installing Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X El Capitan. Seems related to the System Integrity Protection feature that was introduced with that version of the OS.

If you encounter an error like,

An error occurred while installing {some dependency} (1.3.13), and Bundler cannot continue.

You might have to run,

ResumeBuilder (master) $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle