
Three-Dimensional Vector Operations in R

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dddr: Three-Dimensional Vector Operations in R


The R package dddr is a vctrs-based package for working with three-diensional spatial data. It gives three-dimensional objects like points, velocities, and rotations first-class vector status in R, enabling usage as column types within data.frame and tibble.

In contrast to most spatial R packages like sf or rspatial that work with geographic, 2-dimensional data, dddr works best with 3-dimensional data. The origin of this package was to analyze behavioral data (e.g, hand motion, head direction) in studies of virtual and augmented reality.

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Quick View

spiral <- tibble(i = seq(0, 10*pi, 0.05)) %>%
    # vector3s are created using three numeric vector arguments,
    # and thanks to dplyr, can refer to other columns in the dataframe
    circular_part = vector3(x=cos(i), y=sin(i), z=0),
    forward_part = vector3(x=0, y=0, z=i/15),
    # vector3s can be added together and multiplied by numerics 
    spiral_part = circular_part * i / 30 + forward_part

spiral %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 4
##        i      circular_part    forward_part                   spiral_part
##    <dbl>             <vct3>          <vct3>                        <vct3>
##  1  0    (1    , 0     , 0) (0, 0, 0      ) (0      , 0        , 0      )
##  2  0.05 (0.999, 0.0500, 0) (0, 0, 0.00333) (0.00166, 0.0000833, 0.00333)
##  3  0.1  (0.995, 0.0998, 0) (0, 0, 0.00667) (0.00332, 0.000333 , 0.00667)
##  4  0.15 (0.989, 0.149 , 0) (0, 0, 0.01   ) (0.00494, 0.000747 , 0.01   )
##  5  0.2  (0.980, 0.199 , 0) (0, 0, 0.0133 ) (0.00653, 0.00132  , 0.0133 )
##  6  0.25 (0.969, 0.247 , 0) (0, 0, 0.0167 ) (0.00807, 0.00206  , 0.0167 )
##  7  0.3  (0.955, 0.296 , 0) (0, 0, 0.02   ) (0.00955, 0.00296  , 0.02   )
##  8  0.35 (0.939, 0.343 , 0) (0, 0, 0.0233 ) (0.0110 , 0.00400  , 0.0233 )
##  9  0.4  (0.921, 0.389 , 0) (0, 0, 0.0267 ) (0.0123 , 0.00519  , 0.0267 )
## 10  0.45 (0.900, 0.435 , 0) (0, 0, 0.03   ) (0.0135 , 0.00652  , 0.03   )
spiral %>%
  # field access uses the $ operator
  ggplot(aes(vector3=spiral_part)) +
  stat_point3(geom="point") +
  #geom_path3() +

spiral %>%
    # rotations can be specified using quaternions, axis / angle, or even from / to vectors
    spiral_rotated = rotate(spiral_part, axis=vector3(0, 1, 0), angle=pi/4)
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=spiral_rotated$x, y=spiral_rotated$y)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path() +


simple_dddr_plot <- function() {
  spiral <- tibble(i = seq(0, 10*pi, 0.05)) %>%
      circular_part = vector3(x=cos(i), y=sin(i), z=i/15),
      forward_part = vector3(x=0, y=0, z=i/15),
      spiral_part = circular_part * i / 30 + forward_part

  spiral %>%
    ggplot() +
    stat_point3(aes(vector3=spiral_part)) +


install.packages("devtools") # if you have not installed "devtools" package
# For the most recent packaged & released version
# For the development version


If you have questions in how to use this library, what this library is useful for, or if it has any particular features, it would be helpful to contact me directly at mrmillr at stanford.edu. This project is in its early development stages, and I want to know how you want to use the library / are using the library.


Contributions are welcome! The issue tracker in this repo can be used for bug reports, feature requests, and questions - whatever you might need.