
Awesome list of connectivity indexes and reports to help you better under who has access to communication infrastructure and on what terms.

Awesome Connectivity Logo
Inspired by Sindre Sorhus's awesome list of awesome lists


A list of connectivity indexes, maps, and reports to help you better understand who has access to communication infrastructure and on what terms. All info in the public domain.

More on connectivity on my website or on Mastodon.


Global Connectivity Indexes

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Connectivity Maps

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Periodic Global Connectivity Reports

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Regional Connectivity Reports and Data

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  • Development and Access to Information (DA2i) Regional Reports - Dashboards profiling Connectivity, Freedom, and Gender Equity by the TASCHA group at the University of Washington. Funded by IFLA.
  • e-Conomy Africa 2020: Africa’s $180 Billion Internet Economy Future - IFC/Google sponsored report on Africa's internet economy
  • GSMA Mobile Economy - Middle East & North Africa (2022)
  • GSMA Mobile Economy - West Africa (2019) (2018)
  • GSMA Mobile Economy - Sub-Saharan Africa (2022)(2021) (2020) (2018)
  • GSMA Mobile Economy - Latin America (2022) (2021)
  • GSMA Mobile Economy - Asia Pacific (2021) 2020
  • GSMA Mobile Economy - Africa 2016
  • African Telecommunications Infrastructure Development @manypossibilities.net - 2014-2022
  • RIA Africa Mobile Pricing (RAMP) Indices Portal - (Q3 2022) - Pricing information on Voice/SMS basket, 1GB data basket, and Value For Money bundles.
  • Opera - State of the Mobile Web Africa - (2019) (2016).
  • Ericsson Mobility Report - Sub-Saharan Africa - (2015)
  • Open Signal - State of Mobile Networks Reports - Report covers a potpourri of countries based on OpenSignal data gathering.
  • Lions go digital: The Internet’s transformative potential in Africa - (2013) Report by global consulting firm McKinsey on the potential impact of the Internet in Africa.

Other sources

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To the extent possible under law, Steve Song has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. .