Checkpoint 05

This morning, you will have the option of choosing a review session or a pratice exercise.

The review session will go over basic CRUD for a single model rails app. The practice exercise will ask you to build out a two-model CRUD app with bonuses.

If you feel uneasy about the following bullets, please stick around for the review. Otherwise, please work on the exercise linked in the schedule with a partner.

  • This checkpoint
  • This checkpoint's part 4
  • getting started with rails homework
  • rails lessons up until this point

Part 1 (Initial Setup)

  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. cd db && ./
  3. seed the database

Part 2 (View in browser)

Create a view

Create a view for the cars index page. Loop through each of the cars and display each of their attributes.

Create a layout.erb

Give your view some surrounding HTML, like a opening and closing head and body tags.

Create a stylesheet

Nothing crazy - create a very simple stylesheet and link to it from layout.erb

Part 3 (Creating a new car)

Add a form to your index view that allows users to create a new car.

This form should make a post request to cars

Define a post route in app.rb that will create the new car.

Redirect the user back to the cars index route.

Part 4 (Optional)

Show us what you've got! This part will not be counted, but try implementing edit and delete.