- 0
@DefaultEmptyArray make non Sendable
#69 opened by neckaros - 3
Create a new release
#66 opened by lickel - 2
How to deal with optional Date?
#61 opened by tkirby - 4
Decoding Date?
#49 opened by npb12 - 1
Removed CocoaPod and add via SPM. Now getting "Framework not found BetterCodable"
#64 opened by tylerjames - 0
Are you prepared to support field mapping?
#62 opened by rakuyoMo - 4
protocol CodableEnumeration for enum
#58 opened by zengxianshu - 2
@DefaultFalse cannot deal string number
#44 opened by chunxige - 1
- 1
Xcode 13 linking against a dylib which is not safe for use in application extensions
#47 opened by tahirmt - 1
- 0
- 1
SnakeCaseCodingKey And CamelCase handling?
#13 opened by umairsuraj - 2
- 1
Uncodable property wrapper
#42 opened by priore - 2
Add DefaultNil similar to DefaultTrue/False
#40 opened by Alkenso - 3
- 0
- 2
podspec file should change version to 0.3.0
#36 opened by chunxige - 6
- 3
Default Empty Lossy Array
#37 opened by lordzsolt - 11
[Question] Working with optional
#26 opened by igorkulman - 5
Separate Decodable and Encodable?
#31 opened by lordzsolt - 2
- 0
- 2
Custom Date Value Wrapper
#12 opened by umairsuraj - 1
[Feature request] LosslessArray
#24 opened by igorkulman - 0
- 2
SwiftCodable organization
#22 opened by MaxDesiatov - 16
@DefaultCodable<> not working as expected?
#18 opened by abrownsword - 1
Update BetterCodable Version
#19 opened by serjooo - 4
@DefaultFalse when key is missing
#16 opened by herrernst - 4
- 1
Support for Failables?
#11 opened by umairsuraj - 1
Multi Property Strategy?
#14 opened by umairsuraj - 1
- 2
Support cocoaPods?
#4 opened by miaoruiyuan - 1