
Simulate spin-echo sequences in POSSUM

Primary LanguageC++

This code extends POSSUM to enable the simulation of spin-echo pulse sequences.

Changes from FSL 5.0.10


  • Two new functions: spinecho and spinechoepi, adding spin-echo pulses to gradient-echo and epi sequences, respectively.
  • New pulse types can be called from the command line using --seq se or --seq se-epi


  • When reading in the MR parameters (MRpar) a fifth column with T2 values is now expected. I've also slightly updated the T2* values to bring them in line with values from the literature. If a four-column MRpar file is supplied, the program will assume T2=T2*.

Old 3T MRpar:

T1 T2* PD Shift
1331e-03 75e-03 0.86 0
832e-03 70e-03 0.77 0
3700e-03 500e-03 1 0

New 3T MRpar:

T1 T2* PD Shift T2
1331e-03 51e-03 0.86 0 75e-03
832e-03 44e-03 0.77 0 70e-03
3700e-03 500e-03 1 0 500e-03


Support for reconstructing the new pulse types (se and se-epi) that can be generated using pulse


Implemented support for 180 RF pulses in the simulation.