
RBMHippocampus is a model of expected neuron spike activity in the hippocampus (place cells), given the actual path of an animal and activity of neurons outside the hippocampus (grid cells).

Primary LanguageMATLAB

This code runs a Restricted Boltzmann Machine on model grid cell data generated for the actual trajectory of a rat in 2005 (Hafting, 2005). 

Each folder contains its own readme.txt file with more information.

* Overview *

The grid cell data is generated from a modified version of Zilli & Hasselmo 2010, which resembles their paper Hasselmo, Giocomo & Zilli (2007). This code was modified to be simpler to run and generate 100 grid cell firing patterns to use as input data for analysis. Some output from their code is in the RBMCode folder, so it is probably not necessary to generate new grid cell data. 
Zilli & Hasselmo's code posted to be reused, but they ask for credit. 

To generate new grid cell data, go into the folder Modified_Zilli&HasselmoGridCellData and run GridCellsABSTRACT.m

The RBM code & analysis were written by Mark Shaw as an undergraduate thesis project.

To run the place cell model simulation, go into the RBMCode folder and run RunMe.m. More information is in a readme.txt file in that folder. 

Originally by Mark Shaw for Psych 4D09 at McMaster University.