
Cloud Feeds Archiving solution. Currently in sustaining mode as deployed within Rackspace.

Primary LanguageScala


This project is currently in sustaining mode as deployed within Rackspace. For more information on how to support this in sustaining mode please see https://one.rackspace.com/display/cloudfeeds/Cloud+Feeds+Sustaining+Mode+Documentation+Start+Page.

Nabu Nabu is the Babylonian god of writing and wisdom, and is the patron of the scribes, librarians and archivists. cloudfeeds-nabu is the code repository for the Cloud Feeds Archiving solution.

The Cloud Feeds Archiving solution deals with archiving cloud events that come through Rackspace Cloud Feeds' system. The whole solution is comprised of multiple sub components:

  • cloudfeeds-ballista is the component that is responsible for reading the Cloud Feeds events from our internal Relational Database and throwing them over to Hadoop FS on a daily basis.

  • Usmu Usmu is the Akkadian messenger god of Ea. He was a two-faced god, representing his coming and going on errands. Here, usmu is the component that reads the exported data of cloudfeeds-ballista and writing it to a partitioned Hive table.

  • TiamatTiamat a monster who is the primordial goddess of the ocean. In the Dungeon and Dragons mythos, she is depicted as a multi-headed dragonTiamat. Here, Tiamat is the component that reads the Hive table, produces the tenant archive files, and writes these files in the customer's designated Cloud Files container(s).

How to build

To build this component, we require:

  • Gradle version 2.2 or above

Simple build

gradle clean build

Build an RPM

gradle clean buildRpm