
An example application using U2F authentication (Passkeys)

Primary LanguagePHP

CakePHP Webauthn Example Application

Build Status Total Downloads PHPStan

An example application for using Webauthn and soon Passkeys with CakePHP and the CakePHP authentication plugin. If this proves useful, it could become a plugin.


  1. Download Composer or update composer self-update.
  2. Run php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app [app_name].

If Composer is installed globally, run

composer create-project --prefer-dist markstory/cakephp-webauthn-example

In case you want to use a custom app dir name (e.g. /cake-webauth/):

composer create-project --prefer-dist markstory/cakephp-webauthn-example cake-webauth

Running the Application

⚠️ Webauthn requires HTTPS. If you run this example on an HTTP only port it will not work.

If you have a SSL server running you can have it proxy the CakePHP dev server, or serve the application directly.

bin/cake server -p 8765

mkcert & stunnel

Using a pair of CLI utilities you can generate an HTTPs proxy for the cakephp dev server. I found this pretty simple to use on linux.

Generate certificates for your local machine using mkcert

mkcert localhost
cat localhost.pem localhost-key.pem > localhost-bundle.pem
chmod 0666 *.pem

This will generate certificate & key file. Create the bundled certificate for stunnel

Then in one terminal, run: bin/cake server and then in another run

sudo stunnel3 -f -d 443 -r 8765 -p ./localhost-bundle.pem

Lastly you can use hosted services to create SSL tunnels.


Read and edit the environment specific config/app_local.php and set up the 'Datasources' and any other configuration relevant for your application. Other environment agnostic settings can be changed in config/app.php.

What's included

A sample application that:

  • A CakePHP Authentication plugin compatible Authenticator and high-level API for building passkey based flows.
  • Allows new users to be created using U2F authenticators (also referred to as Passkeys)
  • Allows users to login with their U2F device.
  • Allows a user to register multiple devices.

Still to be built:

  • Preventing duplicates passkeys to be added by the same device.
  • Preventing deletion of a user's last passkey.