
Pinterest like responsive image grid that doesn’t sucks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mosaic Flow

Pinterest like responsive image grid for jQuery that doesn’t suck. See live example.


  • Simple and easy to install.
  • Responsive (shows as many columns as needed).
  • Very fast.
  • Only 1 KB (minified gzipped).
  • You can add some HTML: info overlay for example.


Include jQuery and jquery.mosaicflow.min.js onto your page:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.mosaicflow.min.js"></script>

Add some CSS for column layout and to make your content responsive:

.mosaicflow__column {
.mosaicflow__item img {

Add .mosaicflow CSS class to your content’s contaier:

<div class="clearfix mosaicflow">
	<div class="mosaicflow__item">
		<img width="500" height="300" src="1.jpg" alt="">
	<div class="mosaicflow__item">
		<img width="500" height="500" src="2.jpg" alt="">

Image sizes should be specified in HTML.

Configuration and manual initialization

You can difine options via HTML data attributes or via JavaScript object (manual initialization).

<div class="clearfix mosaicflow" item-selector=".item" min-item-width="300">
	itemSelector: '.item'
	minItemWidth: 300

Don’t add .mosaicflow class when you manually initialize Mosaic Flow—it will make Mosaic Flow initializes twice.

Note that option names in JavaScript should be in camelCase but in HTML it should be data-attributes-with-dashes.


itemSelector (default: > *)

jQuery selector of content item.

columnClass (default: mosaicflow__column)

CSS class of column element.

minItemWidth (default: 240)

Minimun item (or column) width. Decrease this number if you want more columns, or increase if you want less.



Fire on every layout change: initialization or change number of columns after window resize.


The MIT License, see the included License.md file.