
Work in progress. This might eventually allow remote teams to play story point poker easily. For now, I'm just hacking around with new languages.

Demo server


git clone
cd story-point-poker
sudo npm install

See also

Built with:


  • Voting Mode
    • Room sees a new window with a 5 second countdown, and 10 seconds allowed for voting
    • Chat is disabled, and you can enter a vote (any string)
  • While Voting
    • You see the vote number, topic (vote topic 123) and a list of who has/has not voted
    • Votes are usually numbers, but may be strings
    • You may not change your vote or chat until Voting ends
  • Voting ends when
    • Everyone in room votes
    • Time (10s?) expires
  • After Voting ends
    • Each user's vote is listed
    • Numerical votes are aggregated: Avg, Min users, Max users
    • Add href for urls
    • Add img for image urls
    • "Points" system (users, based on median and time voted)