
Generate a Powerpoint Presentation from a chatgpt prompt

Primary LanguageHTML

PPT maker using ChatGPT


My free Open AI API token expired the first of this month when I had just started working on the app. As a result, I will not be working on this anymore for quite some time.


  1. To be able to generate a powerpoint presentation just from the prompt given.
  2. Make a web application for easy access

Current Status

Lots of bugs to fix but made a start. Made a web application where you can give a prompt and generate (and download) a pptx file prepared from chat gpt's response.


  1. Register
  2. Login
  3. navigate to /dashboard
  4. Write your prompt. Don't forget to mention: Write a ppt in the starting.
  5. Generate your ppt. Download starts automatically!

Setup Instructions:

  1. git clone https://github.com/MSSRPRAD/ppt-api.git
  2. cd ppt-api
  3. virtualenv venv
  4. (from bash terminal) source venv/bin/activate
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. python app.py

NOTE: You have to set your own OPENAI API KEY. Go to https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys to generate one if you don't have one.