Craig is a multi-track voice recorder for Discord. Craig is divided into three components: The actual recording bot, the web page (for downloading recordings), and the audio processing scripts. The recording bot is craig.js. It is a Node.js application written with the Eris Discord library. For historical reasons it uses the sharding manager from discord.js. Its dependencies can be installed with `npm install`. In principle the recording bot works fine without the other components, but the audio files it produce aren't really usable without processing. The web page is in PHP (yuck), but otherwise has essentially no dependencies. The "other formats" feature, which performs audio processing in the browser, requires ffmpeg.js. The patch for ffmpeg.js to build it with the required modules is in ffmpeg-js-craig.diff. ffmpeg.js should be built to ffmpeg-worker-craig.js. The audio processing scripts require the following command-line tools: ffmpeg ( ) compiled with libopus support flac ( ) oggenc ( ) opusenc ( ) fdkaac ( ) zip and unzip ( ) Various components of the audio processing scripts require compilation or translation: cd cook for i in *.c; do gcc -O3 -o ${i%.c} $i; done for i in *.svg; do inkscape -e ${i%.svg}.png $i; done The self extractors require compilation if you want them: cd windows; make cd macosx; make Finally, the avatar stuff requires ImageMagick. If you want EnnuiCastr (browser-based recording) support, you must set config.ennuicastr to the web address, which must be on the same host as Craig. EnnuiCastr requires no further modification to work with Craig. If you want Ennuizel (browser-based processing) support, you must make it available at the location linked from the downloader (dl.php), and run in ennuicastr/server. More information on Craig can be found at Craig can integrate with other tools (largely also by Yahweasel) to provide improved functionality. EnnuiCastr ( ) is a browser-based audio capture tool which records more reliably than Discord, and can be used to get higher-quality audio if config.ennuicastr is set to an appropriate URL. Ennuizel ( ) is a browser-based audio editor which can provide audio processing features too heavy to put on the server. The 'ennuizel' directory here is the associated client plugin for Ennuizel as well as the server component, only required when combining Ennuizel with Craig. No documentation is provided for running your own instances of Craig. A user has kindly added an installation guide to the wiki on github at , but note that this is not maintained by the author of Craig. RUNNING CRAIG IS NOT LIKE RUNNING ANY OTHER BOT. MOST OF THE COMPLEXITY OF CRAIG IS NOT IN THE BOT ITSELF, BUT IN THE AUDIO PROCESSING. IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH C AND UNIX, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MINE. IF YOU DELUDE YOURSELF INTO THINKING YOU WILL HOST CRAIG ON WINDOWS, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MINE. CRAIG IS NOT MERELY BUILT FOR UNIX, CRAIG IS BUILT ON THE UNIX PHILOSOPHY. "THIS ONE TIME I RAN A LINUX VM" IS NOT SUFFICIENT. "I CAN USE PUTTY" WON'T CUT IT. IF THE WORD "WINDOWS" DOESN'T MAKE YOUR SKIN CRAWL, YOU ARE NOT THE KIND OF PERSON WHO WILL SUCCEED IN RUNNING CRAIG. If you're familiar with C and Unix, it shouldn't be too difficult to get your own Craig working. Yahweasel is generally happy to help if you have the requisite background.