
One of the sub-projects of Shenzhen Highschool of Science KCloud.

Primary LanguageC++


One of the sub-projects of Shenzhen Highschool of Science KCloud. 一个深圳科学高中“科高云”项目的子项目

========= Overview

The IntelliPlant project is one of the sub-projects of Shenzhen Highschool of Science KCloud.

IntelliPlant 是一个深圳科学高中“科高云”项目的子项目

It's an Arduino based open source crop auto-managing system.


The project mainly maintained by Jackson Ming Hu in KGTCU, Techonology Clubs Union of Shenzhen Highschool of Science.

此项目主要由深圳科学高中技术社团联合会的 胡铭 负责维护更新。

It has two parts, one is server side, the other is client side. The server is an Arduino Uno/ProMini and the client is Arduino Mega.

它包括两个部分,一个是服务端,一个是客户端,服务端用Arduino Uno或ProMini,客户端用Arduino Mega。

The server has a temperature & humidity sensor , an air pressure sensor and an air dust sensor and it controls the pump with a relay


and it will automatically calculate the water capacity by the weather condition.


The client can get the server's data by wireless UART serial port and then display the data on its screen and upload the data to Yeelink Cloud Platform.


========= TO BE continued...