
Ever Complaint

Primary LanguageJava

EverCompliant pipeline test

Implementation notes

  • The code implementation is with Java 8, build tool is maven
  • In order to run the code you need mockserver is up and running on localhost:1080
  • Main class is PipelinePOCMain to try the code on the existing in the project input
  • See pipeline execution tests

Product compliance pipeline example

EverCompliant are in the business of compliance, and we validate that
products sold on e-commerce platforms are legitimate.
In order to perform the compliance validation we stream the products
submitted to various platforms to our validation process.

The following test requires you:

  • Load file source_data.csv to objects in an in-memory queue
  • Send each object in the queue to an external API for enrichment: http://localhost:1080/test_api (see mockserver setup)
  • Create a united model of both source object and result from external api and transmit to the response endpoint: http://localhost:1080/item (POST method)
  • Once all items in batch (see first column in the csv) have been completed, transmit batch id to batch endpoint: http://localhost:1080/batch (POST method)

Mockserver setup

Mockserver is a java based mocking server (https://www.mock-server.com/), installation guide can be found: https://www.mock-server.com/mock_server/running_mock_server.html.

    1. Install the docker: docker run -d --rm -p 1080:1080 mockserver/mockserver
    1. run attached mockserver definitions, creates the mock endpoints: bash ./mockserver_init.sh The script expects the mockserver on localhost and port 1080, if changed, change the script accordingly.

Feel free to contact me: danielm@evercompliant.com