
This repo is based on rgl/strongswan-site-to-site-vpn-vagrant. See original in


This project sets up site-to-site VPN using 4 VMs. Each site contains a gateway and a host:

sun-ubuntu --- sun <=> moon --- moon-ubuntu

sun and moon are gateways, and sun-ubuntu, moon-ubuntu are their respective hosts.

We set up SSH tunnel to forward traffic from client running on host OS to server.

sun-ubuntu --- sun <= VPN => moon --- moon-ubuntu <= SSH tunnel => host OS
server ----------- <= VPN => -------------------- <= SSH tunnel => client


Install Virtualbox

Install Vagrant

Prepare settings and AttestationReportSigningCACert.pem files and place them into ./sgx-secrets-after-ra.


This paragraph shows basic usage based on simple HTTP server. It demonstrates that the VPN is actually encrypting the traffic.

Fetch submodules

git submodule update --init

Start everything

vagrant up # takes a lot of time

Login into the moon machine (a VPN device), and watch the network traffic:

vagrant ssh moon-ubuntu
# then, inside the VM:
tcpdump -n -i any tcp port 3000

From your host computer, access the following URLs to see them working:

Then, see how site-to-site traffic looks like:

vagrant ssh moon-ubuntu
# then, inside the VM:
wget -qO-

Running sgx-secrets-after-ra

When running the example, you have to setup SSH tunnel to moon-ubuntu

vagrant ssh moon-ubuntu -- -L 7777:
sudo tcpdump -n -i any tcp port 7777 # show traffic

Now any traffic pointed to localhost:7777 on host OS will be forwarded to sun-ubuntu, i.e. server application that provides secrets.

SSH into sun-ubuntu host to set up the server

vagrant ssh sun-ubuntu
cd /vagrant/sgx-secrets-after-ra

Now run client on host OS as usual:

cd /path/to/this/project/sgx-secrets-after-ra

Running on Windows

Install rsync to use synced_folder:

choco install rsync

If you don't have rsync installed, you can disable sync_folder in Vagrantfile by setting disabled: false to disabled: true:

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant/", type: "rsync", disabled: false,

Now checkout from git manually:

mkdir -p ~/project
cd project

<<<<<<< HEAD git clone


Keep in mind that local changes won't be propagated from host OS to VM.