
Loop-Free KNN algorithm for GNU Octave and Matlab

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Loop-Free KNN algorithm for GNU Octave and Matlab


Dataset taken from http://www.jiaaro.com/KNN-for-humans/

dataset = [
  %weight, color, # seeds, type
  303,     3,      1, 1;
  370,     1,      2, 2;
  298,     3,      1, 1;
  277,     3,      1, 1;
  377,     4,      2, 2;
  299,     3,      1, 1;
  382,     1,      2, 2;
  374,     4,      6, 2;
  303,     4,      1, 1;
  309,     3,      1, 1;
  359,     1,      2, 2;
  366,     1,      4, 2;
  311,     3,      1, 1;
  302,     3,      1, 1;
  373,     4,      4, 2;
  305,     3,      1, 1;
  371,     3,      6, 2;

% lousy mapping
fruit = {'Banana', 'Apple'}; 
color.index = {'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple'};
color.red       = 1;
color.orange    = 2;
color.yellow    = 3;
color.green     = 4;
color.blue      = 5;
color.purple    = 6;

UF1 = [301, color.green, 1];
UF2 = [346, color.yellow, 4];
UF3 = [290, color.red, 2];

Play with the Dataset.

normalize = @(x) (x - min(x)) / max((x - min(x))); % reduce by smallest value


[classified, k, dist, idx] = fastKNN(trained, unknown, k, distance)

  • classified - result of KNN
  • k
    • nargin: the defined k
    • nargout: information which k was taken (...when k was automatically determined!)
  • dist - sorted calculated distances
  • idx - Index to map sorted distances dist to input dataset trained
  • distance - default = 2

default with Euclidean distance and automagical determine of k

>> fastKNN(dataset, UF1)
ans =
>> fruit(ans)
ans = 