Build Status


The plugin allows you to trigger Tanaguru analysis from Jenkins using Build step.


Jenkins : v1.500+

System requirements

On the same machine, the following components need to be installed :

Required Jenkins Plugins:

##How to install

Run mvn clean install to create the plugin .hpi file.

To install the plugin:

  • copy the resulting ./target/tanaguru.hpi file to the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory. Don't forget to restart Jenkins afterwards.

  • or use the plugin management console ( to upload the hpi file. You have to restart Jenkins in order to find the pluing in the installed plugins list.

##Configure plugin

  • Log into Jenkins as an administrator and go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System:
  • Scroll down to the Tanaguru Runner configuration section:
  • Configure your Tanaguru Cli installation
  • Configure your Firefox ESR installation
  • Configure the display exported by XVFB

##Use plugin

Configure the Build Step

Create your scenario

Create your scenario