
parses price or money strings

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP 5.3+ library to parse price or money strings and get their currency and amount!

use PriceParser\Price;

$priceWithCurrency = '12,499,50 €';
$price = new Price($priceWithCurrency);

//float value e.g. 15.20

//currency symbol, e.g. $ or €

//currency iso code, e.g. EUR or USD

//currency name, e.g. Euro or US Dollar

//the raw value, e.g. 12,499,50 €

//price is valid if a currency can be found and amount is not empty or null


Install the library using composer. Add the following to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "markus-g/price-parser": "0.1.*"

Now run the install command.

$ composer.phar install