
A place for the Metadata Exctractors WG to work on ideas regarding schema development.

MIT LicenseMIT

MaRDA Extractors WG Schema Development

A place for the Metadata Exctractors WG to work on ideas regarding schema development.

Initial work

Some initial schemas have been sketched out with LinkML, e.g., filetype.yml with the example data biologic_mpr.yml. They can be used as follows, after installing LinkML (pip install -r requirements.txt in a fresh environment)

  • Generate a JSONSchema version of the file type schema:

    gen-json-schema filetype.yml >> filetype.json
  • Generate pydantic or dataclass models for the FileType schema:

    gen-python filetype.yml >> filetype.py
  • Validate example data against the schema:

    linkml-validate -s filetype.yml -C FileType biologic_mpr.yml