
An application for generating tagcloud based upon Twitter hashtag.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



An application generating a tagcloud based upon hashtag search in Twitter.


  • express (web server)
  • express-session (store sessions sever-sided)
  • body-parser (parsing incoming requests)
  • dotenv (for handling credientials)
  • node-fetch (instead of http/https to support promises)
  • node-sass (compiling sass styles to css)
  • oauth (used to authenticate with Twitter API)
  • pug (template engine for views)
  • wordcloud (rendering the actual tagcloud)

Credentials for Twitter API

When using the Twitter API you need to have credentials put in a .env file that should lie in the root of the project. Please update it with accordingly values.

Running locally

Make sure you have Node.js installed (preferably latest LTS, 8.9.4). Application requires at least v8.5.8 due to use of promises... and trailing commas. Oops. :-)

$ git clone git@github.com:markusbergh/taggis.git
$ cd taggis
$ npm install
$ npm start

Now you can see the running application in a browser at http://localhost:3000/

Running in development mode

When running in development mode you will have node-sass listening for changes in styles, and nodemon restarting server upon changes to the server code base.

$ npm run dev