
A toolkit for training finite-state models

Primary LanguageC++


A toolkit for training finite-state models.

Build Instructions

  1. Install Boost (http://www.boost.org/)

  2. Install R (http://www.r-project.org/)

  3. Install OpenFst (http://www.openfst.org/)

  4. Build fstrain:

     mkdir Release
     cd Release
     cmake ../fstrain
     export FSTRAIN_HOME=$(pwd)
     cd ..
     make -C test

    If your OpenFst is not installed in a standard system directory (like /usr/local or similar) then cmake cannot find it. In that case, use this cmake command:

     cmake -DOPENFST_ROOT=/my/path/to/openfst ../fstrain

    where /my/path/to/openfst contains OpenFst's include/ and lib/ directories.

    The same works for Boost: Use the BOOST_ROOT variable to specify the Boost location if it is not installed in a system directory:

     cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/my/path/to/boost ../fstrain
  5. Done!

Markus Dreyer, markus.dreyer@gmail.com