epayment categorization


This is an approach to automatically classify SEPA-Bookings to one of seven predefined classes. The booking-classifier uses a Support Vector Machine that was trained on a set of several bookings.
Note: the words 'classify' and 'categorize' are used synonymously below.

Also part of this project is a 'comparison'-package which compares the performance of Naive Bayes Classifier, K-Nearest-Neighbor and Support Vector Machine on a provided training set. Consider the training set is not part of this repository due to privacy reasons.


  • comparison of different classifier algorithms
  • hyperparameter estimation with grid search
  • plotter for plotting confusion matrix


  • reading from and writing to training set


  • REST-API and templates


  • ML model and extracted features

Run the classifier

To start the booking classifier simply start the 'flaskr/app' module. The API offers following routes:

Route Description HTTP methods Message body
/howto Root path and common description GET -
/categorize Categorizes a booking and returns the category and probability. POST {"booking_date":" ","valuta_date":" ","text":" ","usage":" ","creditor_id":" ","owner":" ","iban":" ","bic":" ","amount':" "}
/inputform HTML form for manually categorize a booking. After submitting the categorize path is used. GET -
/addbooking Adds a booking to the training set and retrains the classifier model.
Note: Needs the training set which is not part of this repository!
POST {"category":" ", "booking_date":" ","valuta_date":" ","text":" ","usage":" ","creditor_id":" ","owner":" ","iban":" ","bic":" ","amount':" "}
/feedback Adds an unrecognized booking to the training set and retrains the classifier model. The category must be provided by the user.
Note: Needs the training set which is not part of this repository!
POST {"category":" ", "booking_date":" ","valuta_date":" ","text":" ","usage":" ","creditor_id":" ","owner":" ","iban":" ","bic":" ","amount':" "}

For '/feedback' there also need to be a running monogodb at localhost to temporarily save the bookings.